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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Personal and Career Development Tips for In-house Counsel

By Erin Berkowitz, Legal Resources Manager, and Pam Entsminger, Legal Resources & Program Development Specialist, Association of Corporate Counsel

During a webcast on 12 May 2020, former General Counsel Rich Cohen shared his personal career development tips, including how he leveraged his ACC membership.  ACC has compiled Rich's advice into this Top Ten resource to assist in-house counsel in their personal and professional journey.


5 Tips to Better Manage Communications While Working Remotely

By Lotus Chen, Program Operations Manager, Association of Corporate Counsel

Due to the global pandemic, employees are reorganizing what it means to connect and work from home. In this article, learn tips on how to craft your communication style to find the right balance of structure.


Women of Color: A Study of Law School Experience

By NALP Foundation and the Center for Women in Law

This study looks at the fundamentally different experiences of law students when it comes to racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and provides information about how these differences may impact their professional opportunities.

For questions about the report, please contact or


The Chief Legal Officer in Japan

By Andrew McCallum, Senior Director, Membership and Member Services , Association of Corporate Counsel, Australia and Asia Pacific

The advent of new technology, staffing models, and legal operations strategy is driving profound change and disruption in the way in-house teams are delivering legal services for their organisations. Just as the global in-house sector is rapidly evolving, the Japanese in-house sector too is experiencing immense change.

In this Quick Overview, learn more about how Japanese Chief Legal Officers (CLOs) and their companies are dealing with these changes.


Positive Team Meetings

By Caterina Cavallaro, Senior Legal Counsel, Commonwealth Bank

Positive team meetings are not an oxymoron. In this article, learn how small and consistent practices can help you and your team thrive.


Sitting Down for What you Believe In

By Kate Sherburn, Legal "Beagle" at Who Gives A Crap?

Good business and good lawyering is more than just about making money. In this article, in-house counsel can learn about a peculiar start-up and how they made their mission a success.


ACC Australia: Women in the House

By ACC Australia

ACC Australia's profiles of women in-house counsel celebrates and showcases their extraordinary journeys. In this article, our members share their personal and professional growth, challenges they faced, and "advice to their younger self", learning from growing.


Guiding your Organisation in Supporting Social Justice Issues

By Lori Middlehurst, APAC Employment Law Lead, Salesforce, Nick Willets, Board Director (Volunteer), John Mac Foundation, and Vered Keisar, VP and GC, ResMed

In a time where social justice issues are attracting greater awareness, it is important to recognise how in-house counsel area uniquely positioned to guide their organisations in supporting these important issues.