Small Law: Letting Go
While the willingness to take on new tasks can be admirable, sometimes knowing when to let go can be just as necessary and admirable. Sometimes you need to let go in order to allow room for other experts to emerge and grow.
While the willingness to take on new tasks can be admirable, sometimes knowing when to let go can be just as necessary and admirable. Sometimes you need to let go in order to allow room for other experts to emerge and grow.
Use this checklist to prepare, conduct, and facilitate efficient meetings that meet objectives and engage participants.
This sample meeting agenda will help you outline purpose, objectives, and topics of your meeting. The agenda also offers space for recording action items and note-taking.
While you can put off your work until later, do your future self a favor and follow these tips to finish it sooner.
Getting a seat at the table is important in a General Counsel's career. In-house counsel must learn to leverage their knowledge and expertise to advocate for the legal department and compliant practices. This article was published July 2019 by the Association of Corporate Counsel Australia, in conjunction with MinterEllison.
Finding a new job is always important — but so is your exit from your current role.
From practicing mindfulness to celebrating women in corporate law, here are a few things you’ve missed from ACC events.
If you feel stuck at work, recall your initial excitement and determine what you need to do to reignite that spark.
This article outlines the technology apps Tech Toolbox Columnist Gregory Stern used to get words on a page, which can be a serious roadblock for any writer, no matter how experienced or skilled.
Coaching has made a powerful impact on this lawyer’s career development—and it could do the same for you.