Sample Questionnaire for Classifying Contracts
This is a sample questionnaire for classifying contracts according to risk.
This is a sample questionnaire for classifying contracts according to risk.
Starting a business is easier than ever these days. But it's also easier than ever to get yourself into trouble. Practice these policies that help ensure the success of your new business.
This policy explanation delves into some FAQs for Tenant Company Administration guidelines.
This form addresses the issues that arise if arbitration clauses are left out of contracts and samples.
This Top Ten article addresses ten common mistakes that parties make during negotiations.
This template Memorandum of Understanding/Heads of Terms is for use where parties wish to document the key principles that they intend will form the basis of their negotiations for a detailed, legally binding contract.
This template non-disclosure agreement is for use where two or more parties will be disclosing confidential information to each other.
This template non-disclosure agreement is for use where only one party will be disclosing confidential information to the other.
Selected cases and materials related to limitation on liability.
Selected cases and materials related to limitations on discovery.