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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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984 Results

Resource Listings

Program Materials

Managing an International Contracts Portfolio

By Finley Harckham, Christopher McVety, Alexander Nielsen

Discuss how to approach contract negotiation and drafting across jurisdictions and legal systems. Gain insight into techniques and tools to monitor and manage the risks involved with having contracts across several jurisdictions. Identify resources that in-house counsel of international businesses implement to manage such risks, such as country managers, outsourcing, risk guidelines, documented authority delegation and reporting. Discuss challenges and best practices in enforcing contracts across jurisdictions.

Program Materials

International Government Contracting for the Small Law Department

By Hugo Cuesta L., Elisabeth Luff, Dottie Slovak Hersey, Corrine Taylor

Panelists will review common pitfalls when transacting with foreign governments, including governing law/dispute resolution, tax issues and intellectual property, and will discuss strategies for avoiding those pitfalls.

Multimedia and Infographics

Negotiating with Your Own Side – Part I

By Alan Fishel, a partner at Arent Fox

A podcast recording covering with extensive experience negotiating contracts, shares some of his insights on how to negotiate with your Own Side.

Multimedia and Infographics

Negotiating Technology Agreements - Vendor

By Alan Fishel

Learn particular aspects of contract negotiation involving technology. Alan Fishel, from Arent Fox LLP, discusses "Negotiating Technology Agreements" from a vendor's perspective. Duration: 15:00 minutes.

Multimedia and Infographics

Podcast: SNOB Negotiating – Negotiations Techniques – Part I

By Alan Fishel, Arent Fox LLP

Learn negotiation techniques, with concrete examples. Alan Fishel, from Arent Fox LLP, discusses "SNOB Negotiating," where SNOB stands for: Smart, Nice, Outlasting and Big Picture. Part II of the presentation will focus on "Smart." Duration: 13 minutes.