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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Resource Listings

Program Materials

Train the Trainer: Be a Better Compliance-Training Presenter and Provider

By Miriam Lefkowitz <br />General Counsel <br />Shufro, Rose & Co., LLC <br />David Simon <br />President <br />WeComply, Inc. <br />Ellen Zavian <br />Associate General Counsel <br />Association of Corporate Counsel<br />

An important function of every in-house legal department is to provide compliance and ethics training to its non-legal clients – that is, the organization's employees. Effective training on pertinent laws and regulations can help prevent and detect legal problems, and can also limit or mitigate the organization's exposure if violations occur. This program will provide practical guidance for (i) developing training content that conveys the essential information to the employees who need it, (ii) delivering that information in a comprehensible and engaging manner, (iii) ensuring that all employees who should be trained actually receive their training, and (iv) tracking these activities in order to prove up each employee's training participation if/as needed. Attendees will leave this program with ACC resources that will jump-start your training and save you time and money.

For more compliance and ethics training resources, visit ACC's new Compliance Training Portal at <a href=></a>.<br/>

Program Materials

Making the Jump to Cyberspace: Moving Your Legal Operation to a Paperless Environment

Are you facing the inevitable reality that the world of the paperless legal file is around the corner? Looking for cost-saving opportunities and measurable and quantifiable efficiency and productivity gains? This presentation, applicable to any size legal office will address these opportunities, as well as explore the benefits gained by proactively moving to an electronic legal file environment. Faculty will share their first–hand experiences in how their offices created a document management policy, developed workflow processes to create, scan and save electronic documents, instituted document naming conventions, and secured hardware appropriate for their office needs. Panelists will also describe steps taken to develop and deliver training to all users at different degrees of technology skills levels and to effectively implement the transition. The ethical permissibility, and limitations of electronic file sharing and storage, and considerations when crafting a document retention and destruction policy that is compliant with the applicable. Professional Responsibility Rules will also be explored.

Program Materials

PPP Do’s and Don’ts: New Best Practices

Many law departments now have preferred provider programs (PPPs) in place and many are working to establish them, but how can they take these PPPs to the next level? This session will discuss best practices in establishing and upgrading PPPs, including practical guidelines for changing the dynamic of your PPP from consolidation to practice area-driven needs. The panel’s discussion will cover PPPs for both outside counsel and vendors such as e-discovery providers.

Program Materials

Real Estate Leasing Agreements Primer

By Melissa Alexander, Jean Bowe, Curtis Schehr, Aileen Schwartz

As in-house counsel, we are sometimes called upon to review and/or negotiate leasing agreements. However, many of us lack real estate experience. This lack of experience can lead to being locked into an agreement with unfavorable terms for a long time. This Leasing Agreements Primer will provide a basic level of knowledge for in-house counsel, including clauses that should be included, clauses that can cause trouble and pitfalls to avoid.

Program Materials

Building Your Department, Building Your Influence

By Karen Klein -- general counsel, Silver Planet, LLC; Richard Mosher -- chief legal officer, Loctronix Corporation; Richard S. Veys -- general counsel, Society of Actuaries

What strategies and resources are needed for developing a legal department? What do you do first to set up a legal function? How do you get a seat at the table and stay there? How do you communicate with management? How do you get your piece of the budget pie and how do you control your costs? What tools/resources do you need? Where can you go for help? Learn practical strategies and pointers from this panel of legal experts who focus on how to build and maintain a legal department.

Program Materials

Maximize Your Own Mojo! How to Tap into the Power You Already Have During Tough Times

By Blane Erwin -- vice president, strategic initiatives, Bridgeway Software; Douglas Hagerman -- senior vice president, general counsel & secretary, Rockwell Automation; Jeffrey Kaplan -- assistant general counsel, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, LP; Gerald Kenney -- senior vice president, general counsel and secretary, NEC Corporation of America; Dan Williams -- senior corporate counsel, T-Mobile USA, Inc.

Budget cuts, workforce reductions and increased litigation make it more important than ever to leverage technology so you can do more with less. This session will teach you how to optimize your existing resources through process improvement, system design, and effective training. Learn key strategies that will take your current matter management, entity management and electronic discovery technology into survival mode, and harness powerful metrics to demonstrate the value of the legal department when everything is on the line.

Program Materials

Effective Compliance Programs on a Shoestring Budget

By Gerard Cavaluzzi -- vice president & general counsel, Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.; Hayden Creque -- vice president & general counsel, W3i Holdings, LLC; Jean Robertson -- general counsel, Video Professor, Inc.

This session focuses on small, privately held companies who are involved in building and maintaining an effective compliance program on a limited budget.

Program Materials

Managing The Workload

By James Bellerjeau <br />Martine Petetin <br />Gian-Reto Schulthess

This material discusses how to be an effective manager, managing the legal department workload, and managing the individual workload.