Forum Selection
Selected cases and materials related to forum selection.
Selected cases and materials related to forum selection.
This is a sample key facts and data sheet for use during contract negotiations.
Resource Transition Guide and Checklists - Guidelines and Checklists to be used where Lawyers are Leaving Positions
This is a sample document production request list for knowledge transfer: contract life-cycle management and playbook design.
The improvement plan provides a format for evaluating the disciplinary action taken against an employee. The purpose of this form is to clarify the company's performance expectations, formally address certain key areas where performance does not satisfactorily meet expectations, an to implement a plan intended to improve performance levels to a satisfactory level.
A brief summary of Fannie Mae's remote telecommuting policy.
A draft covenant between law firms and clients that lists provisions to select from based on what works best for their particular needs.
Details the requirements for attending director education programs in order to stay abreast of developments in corporate governance, the industry in which the Company practices and to maintain their responsibilities.
There are multiple approaches to driving more value in legal spending – from converging to a preferred provider network on value-based fees to improving project, process and knowledge management – or developing an innovative approach to add value to the bottom line. Learn from value leaders who have overhauled legal management practices about their initiatives and lessons learned on the road to better value.
This session will focus on the creation of a strategic plan that establishes the law department as a creator of value in addition to delivering superior service of core legal functions. Starting with how a legal department can create strategy that delivers a financial benefit to the company, as well as moving the function to becoming a cost-neutral function, and in some circumstances, a positive financial contributor to the company. The program will review different law department structures and current trends in how to optimize your structure, align with your business, build an inclusive law department, and assess how to optimally source and staff work internally for different tasks to achieve your strategic goals. This program is designed to benefit every corporate attorney, from the entry-level associate to the experienced general counsel, as it argues for a less traditional perspective of the legal department within the modern corporate structure.