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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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984 Results

Resource Listings

Program Materials

Metrics and Concrete Measures to Demonstrate Increasing Tangible Legal Value

By Gian-Reto Schulthess, Elaine Hutton

The results achieved by the in-house legal department cannot be considered optimized unless they are well communicated and accompanied by a structured procedure to measure such results. The material from this round table session should allow for discussion on the methods available and the practical experience of the attendees in this domain.

Program Materials

Knowledge Management in the McKesson Law Department in Europe

By Paul Nielsen

In parallel to the handling of legal cases in daily operations, every legal department has knowledge management on the top of its agenda. In an international legal department, an accurate response tailored to the company needs may make the difference between success and failure, noting the difference in needs and resources between small and large departments that are centrally or internationally located. These aspects will be elaborated and opinions will be exchanged in an interactive workshop that will bring new ideas and practical solutions to in-house lawyers.

Program Materials

Career Development for In-House Lawyers: How to Establish Competencies, Set Goals and Build Skill Sets

By Elisa Garcia, Jeff Levinson, William Mordan, Veta Richardson, Charles Volkert

Learn the benefits of a strategic HR approach that looks at talent management, how high lawyers can go and what skill sets you’ll need to climb the ladder. Participate in the discussion about a hypothetical Law Department and how to structure it so that both the company and the individual lawyers can benefit.

Program Materials

Strategic Planning and Demonstrating Success as a General Counsel

By James Peck, William Potter, Frederick Stein

This session is designed to benefit every corporate attorney from the entry level associate G.C. to the experienced G.C. as it argues for a radically different perspective of the Legal Department within the modern corporate structure.

Program Materials

Annual Conference 2013 – Barcelona General Counsel Roundtable

By Dirk Tirez, Group General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, bpost

Jonathan J. Oviatt, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary, Mayo Clinic

A discussion of the role of the general counsel or chief legal officer in a company and some guidance on how they can develop their leadership skills.

Program Materials

Financial Decision Making for Lawyers - Part II

By Michael Smith

Building on the skills you learned in Financial Decision Making for Lawyers – Part I, this session will further advance your ability to practically apply financial decision making practices to your everyday work. Participants will utilize the analytical tools that indicate whether a new project will create value, such as: Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period, and Economic Value Added (EVA).

Program Materials

Tips & Tools for Negotiating Effective Equipment Leasing Agreements

By Melissa Fruge
Scott Kearns
Steve Salzer

This program will use humor, and chocolate, to provide an overview of equipment leasing from an accounting, tax and legal perspective and the ramifications thereof. There will also be a section discussing practical points (i.e., what to look for) when reviewing an equipment lease. Leave this session on a chocolate high with practical tips to negotiate into your next equipment lease.

Program Materials

How to Handle Negotiations When the Other Side Does Not Know Your Business

By L. Shawn Cheadle, Nia Jenkins, Adam Kelson, Sonya Springer

This program identifies key considerations for contract negotiations on behalf of entities that both provide and receive unique goods and services and have distinctive business needs. This is a high-level discussion regarding the tactics and approach to reach a resolution that meets the needs of your organization. The panelists will share strategies for successful negotiations when the other party is unfamiliar with the landscape of the industry. This program will not focus specifically on the rules or regulations of one industry.

Program Materials

Smart Contracts

By David Barrett, Jacob Farber, Victoria Libin, Suzanne Miller, Sean Murphy

Smart contracts are receiving significant commercial attention — and for good reason. They have the potential to transform businesses and deliver significant cost savings by automating and streamlining processes. Smart contracts are software that has the ability to perform aspects of a contract autonomously. Depending on a range of factors, they may sometimes amount to binding contracts in the legal sense or otherwise affect legal relations between parties. When used in combination with block chains or distributed ledgers, smart contracts have the ability to move value or information between parties without the need for human intervention. This session will discuss what smart contracts are, their potential impact, and the legal, regulatory and consumer protection issues relating to their use.