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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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139 Results

Resource Listings

Program Materials

Exploring an Innovative Legal Engagement Tool: Global Pro Bono

By Bruce Ives <br />Managing Counsel <br />Hewlett-Packard Company<br /><br />Esteban Mazzucco<br />International Senior Corporate Counsel <br />The Clorox International Company<br /><br />Michael Sposato<br />Deputy General Counsel <br />Caterpillar, Inc. <br />

This interactive session will explore the intersection of global corporate citizenship and engagement within a legal department, paying particular attention to how global pro bono can be used as a tool to stimulate and engage experienced and knowledgeable legal staff.

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Disclosure Committee Charter

By The ServiceMaster Company

Charter for a company's disclosure committee. Includes the purpose, composition, meetings, and duties and responsibilities of the committee.

Program Materials

Crossing Borders: Understanding Director and Officer Rights and Liabilities

By Mark Adkins, Maria Harris, Ted Kamman, Charles Kraus, Zarifa Reynolds

This presentation promotes an interactive discussion of the duties and liabilities of directors and officers in the United States, Canada, and other jurisdictions. Of particular interest to in-house counsel in organizations with international operations, the program will focus on rights, liabilities, and other topics of unique importance to directors and officers of your company’s international subsidiaries and affiliates. The duties that are owed, by international directors, to other US-based directors, the corporation, and its shareholders are often scrutinized in the context of change of control transactions, conflict-of-interest disclosure, breach of confidentiality, and insider trading inquiries. The panel and audience will review a number of hypothetical scenarios and consider where conflicts can arise and how they might be proactively managed.

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Model Nonprofit Investment Policy

By Venable LLP

A Model Nonprofit Investment Policy that includes provisions for an investment committee, asset allocations, diversification, investment restrictions, and reporting.