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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Resource Listings


Ambush Marketing: Coming Soon to a Stadium Near You

By Dickerson M. Downing, Rodrigo Azevedo, Mary R. Bram

This QuickCounsel covers what information you need to familiarize yourself with the concept of 'ambush marketing', when a non-sponsor of an event to try to associate itself with the event without authorization from the event organizer and without paying the sponsorship fee, often to the detriment of the official sponsor and its brand.


Three Things Your Legal Team Needs to Know About Public Speech by Commercial Speakers

By Lisbeth A. Warren and Kenneth J. Wilbur

When government action or public controversy affects corporate practice, commercial speakers must be wary of exposure to massive civil penalty suits. Even when speaking honestly and in the best interest of the public, accusations of deceptive and misleading conduct may surface. This article presents three tips to keep in mind, before you’re punished for speaking your mind.


Managing the Court of Public Opinion During a Media Crisis

By Bill Ojile and Gil Rudawsky

Check out this 2014 Apex, Excel and Communicator Award-winning article! The standard “no comment” response to a media frenzy surrounding pending litigation is an approach that some legal counsel have opted out of in favor of more detailed disclosure. Such an approach addresses not
only the media, but also other company constituencies who are impacted by the negative attention. This article details how to create a platform for proactive responses.


Social Media Marketing: Caging the Un-caged Tweeter

By Emily Neisloss Roisman and Brian Socolow

Companies of all sizes are tweeting, texting and posting. Consumers are targets of social media advertising, as well as participants in its creation and distribution. Learn the new methods of compliance with advertising law and consumer protection principles that are emerging alongside burgeoning platforms for making connections and sharing content.