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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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72 Results

Resource Listings


Going Global — Serene Silence

By James S. Wong

James Wong discusses the importance of humor when building business relationships, and the differences between Chinese and Americans when it comes to cracking jokes.


Managing the Emerging Business and Legal Realities of Social Media in Corporate America

By Vincent M. Catanzaro and Jonathan M. Redgrave

As the availability and popularity of social media spreads, corporate America is faced with the inevitability of its employers participating while in the workplace. This trend poses new risks in data security, information management and compliance challenges, while legal and IT teams are left with the task of adapting to the subsequent business and legal threats.


Face the Music: Copyright and Audiovisual in Your Corporation

By Julie S. Maresca

Corporations often use media to enhance their employees’ environment. Music can soothe or energize the listener, while movies can educate or inspire the viewer. However, no amount of relaxation or inspiration will protect you from being sued for copyright infringement. Learn when to license a performance or be prepared to face the music.


Critical Components in IP Licensing

By Maggy Baccinelli

Rebecca Arvizu, senior counsel of Legal and Business Affairs for DTS, Inc. explains the most critical components in IP licensing based on her career experience.


Identifying the Legal Issues Lurking Behind Walls and Tweets

By Jean Robertson and James Nelson

Companies using third-party websites to promote growth enjoy many benefits: cheap, effective exposure; real-time consumer feedback and interaction; and relevancy in a changing market. there are risks, however, when marketing to social networks. Avoid the pitfalls and understand the legal issues lurking behind the walls and tweets.