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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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132 Results

Resource Listings


A Checklist for Social Media Legal Notices and Policies

By Jeffrey S. Tenenbaum, Esq. and A.J. Zottola, Esq.

A non-exhaustive list of provisions to consider in connection with preparing a policy, agreement or legal notice for use with members and others that connect, or wish to connect, with an association through an online social networking site or in connection with a more formal terms of service or legal notice for a page, site or blog on a social networking site.


Responding to an Environmental Disaster: The First 48 Hours

By Debra Sabatini Hennelly, Vincent M. Gonzales, and Charles C. Read

If your company operates in the area of hazardous materials, you need to have a comprehensive plan in place to deal with sudden environmental emergencies. This article describes the fundamentals of a comprehensive emergency plan that deals with environmental disasters and presents the precise steps that should be taken, on an hour-by-hour basis, to implement the plan following a disaster.


A Litigator’s Look at Crisis Management

By James D. Shomper and Kathleen Taylor Sooy

This article focuses on the three stages of crisis management: the immediate stage, when you manage short-term effects; the intermediate stage, when you manage litigation and other collateral consequences and the final stage, when you evaluate long-term effects and put the crisis behind you.


Online Social Networking and Your Career: Are You Staying Ahead of the Game?

By Nichole Opkins

Ever heard of Facebook? Chances are some of your employees have, and they may even mention your company name in their profiles. Yes, in-house counsel should be aware of social networking sites, but maybe not in order to police them-but to join them. Find out about this type of online social networking, and explore some of its potential benefits, as well as some of the issues you need to know.