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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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SCOTUS Delivers Blow to Fossil Fuel Industry Allowing Climate Change Suits to Proceed in State Court

By Claire E. Juneau, Partner and Kelicia D. Raya, Associate (Kean Miller)

This article discusses the Supreme Court's decision denying a petition of several oil and gas company seeking to remove a climate change lawsuit from state court to federal court. The case, BP P.L.C. v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, is one of more than a dozen lawsuits filed since July 2017 by local and state governments against oil and gas companies. 


Ten Steps to Prevent and Prepare for Wildfires in Oil and Gas Operations

By John C. Funderburk and Sydney J. St. Pierre (Kean Miller LLP)

Often overlooked are the impacts wildfires can have on oil and gas operations. The potential for wildfires to cause severe damage underscores the need for stringent fire safety protocols. 

This articles provides steps oil and gas operators can take in preparation for and prevention of a wildfire.


And Texas Makes Ten? – Texas Legislature Sends Comprehensive Consumer Data Privacy Law to Governor’s Desk

By Jessica Engler, partner at Kean Miller

On May 10, 2023, the Texas State Senate passed the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (“TDPSA”), sending the bill to Governor’s desk for final signature. If signed into law, Texas will join a growing contingency of states enforcing comprehensive data privacy laws for their residents. This article provides answers to some general questions about the TDPSA as it is currently written.


International Comparative Legal Guide to Aviation Law 2024

By Global Legal Group

This guide provides corporate counsel and international practitioners with comprehensive jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction guidance to aviation laws and regulations around the world.

Issued covered in this guide include aircraft trading, finance and leasing, litigation, and dispute resolution.


Global Legal Insights: Energy 2025

By Global Legal Group

This multi-jurisdictional guide offers a far-reaching snapshot of energy policy, industry and regulation across the globe. It provides comprehensive insight into the most important trends and developments in the energy market across 12 jurisdictions.