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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Resource Listings


Key Considerations for Environmental Transactions: Seeing the Forest and Not Just the Trees

By Eric L. Christensen (Principal) and Astrika Adams (Associate) of Beveridge & Diamond PC

Corporate mergers, asset acquisitions, and divestitures often include a variety of environmental components or considerations – some of which can be nuanced – that can affect and can be affected by other non-environmental components.

This article offers six strategic considerations for businesses to successfully navigate the negotiation and execution of transactions involving industries or operations subject to significant environmental regulations.


Canada Wildfires: Facts and Tips

As smoke from wildfires in Canada drift through Canadian provinces and the United States, what facts and tips should in-house counsel consider? Learn from this curated selection or resources.


Considerations for a Possible Debt Ceiling Standoff

By Jonathan Adler, Jennifer L. Chu, Erin Cleary, Eric T. Juergens, Matthew E. Kaplan, Jeffrey J. Rosen, Scott B. Selinger, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

Learn about key implications of the Spring 2023 situation that saw the United States reach its national debt ceiling.


A Unanimous Supreme Court Rules of Undue Hardship in Religious Accommodation: De Minimis Is Out, "Substantial Increased Costs" Is In

By Dawn Solowey, Lynn Kappelman, and Darien Harris (Seyfarth Shaw LLP)

This article discusses the unanimous US Supreme Court decision that has effectively disavowed the long-standing de minimis standard in Groff v. Dejoy, clarifying Title VII's undue hardship standard to mean "substantial increased costs in relation to the conduct of its particular business."


International Sustainability Standards Board issues first global sustainability disclosure standards

By Kari McCormick, Phil Spyropoulos, Christopher Shelton, and Sarah Turner (Eversheds Sutherland)

This article provides an overview of the International Sustainability Standards Board's inaugural sustainability disclosure standards. The standards are a significant step towards the development of a global baseline of corporate reporting standards on sustainability and climate change, integrated with financial reporting standards.