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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Resource Listings


NLRB General Counsel Says Noncompete Agreements Violate Federal Labor Law

By Jennifer G. Betts, Tobias E. Schlueter, Thomas M. Stanek, Christine Bestor Townsend, Zachary V. Zagger (Ogletree Deakins)

This article discusses the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) General Counsel's memorandum explaining that noncompete agreements in employment contracts and severance agreements violate the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) except in limited circumstances.


International Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Immigration 2023

By Global Legal Group

In this multi-jurisdictional guide, explore an overview of key legal issues, rules and developments regarding corporate immigration across a range of jurisdictions.

Some topics discussed include a global overview of modern slavery and corporate supply chain compliance and more.


International Comparative Legal Guide Derivatives 2023

By Global Legal Group

In this multi-jurisdictional guide, explore an overview of key legal issues, rules and developments regarding derivatives across a range of jurisdictions.

Some topics discussed include smart contracts in the derivatives space and more.


Five Essential Corporate Governance Duties and Even More Takeaways To Avoid Violating Them

By Greg Markel, Giovanna Ferrari, Sarah Fedner (Seyfarth Shaw LLP)

This comprehensive article on the fundamentals of corporate governance provides guidance to to experts across various fields including crypto, cyber security, and economics. Within these pages, you will find a concise description of the most important generally accepted principles of corporate governance as well as takeaways to help board members and others to avoid violating corporate governance principles.

While corporate governance covers a broad spectrum of topics, this article focuses primarily on the principal duties of directors and officers generally understood in the United States.

This article was originally published by Seyfarth Shaw LLP.


Partnership Agreements: A primer

By Matthew Pollock, Prasad Taksal (DLA Piper)

This article discusses partnership agreements and the key items that are typically addressed in these agreements.