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Working With the Board

This report summarizes the discussion at the ACC Europe GC Roundtable “Working with the board“ held at the ACC Europe Annual Conference in Munich on Monday 1 June. ACC’s GC Roundtables are designed to provide a forum for GC’s to share their experience, knowledge and challenges they face in an informal environment.


Arbitration - CAM-CCBC

By André de Albuquerque Cavalcanti Abbud and Gustavo Santos Kulesza*, Barbosa, Müssnich & Aragão

Getting the Deal Through is delighted to<br />publish the ninth edition of Arbitration, a<br />volume in our series of annual reports,<br />which provide international analysis in<br />key areas of law and policy for corporate<br />counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and<br />business people.


405 02 The Economics of Public Interest Provisions in South African Competition Policy

By Willem Boshoff, Daryl Dingley, Janine Dingley

The paper identifies three issues related to the economics of public interest provisions. Firstly, the paper considers the problem of using public interest provisions as motivation for arbitrary (rather than systematic) interventions in competition cases. The paper relates the problem to broader economic policy uncertainty. Secondly, the paper considers the relationship between public interest objectives and the welfare standard in South African competition cases. Thirdly, the paper considers the analytical requirements for investigating public interest issues, including the need for dynamic rather than static analysis as well as the problem of ‘merger-specificity’, especially in relation to job losses.


Outsourced Legal Services - Identifying Best Practices

By Andrew Goodman, Michel Sahyoun and Philip Algieri

This paper focuses on best practices and processes that allow a client and LPO provider to form a partnership that meets the client’s legal needs while effectively controlling associated costs.


EU Privacy and Complex Cloud Contracting

By Fieldfisher

The greatest pleasure, and the greatest challenge, of being a privacy lawyer is the need to be both an ethicist ‰Š,,and a pragmatist. Oftentimes we find ourselves advising companies not just on what is the legal thing to do, but what is the right thing to do (and, no, the two aren’t always one and the same); while, on other occasions, our impediments presented by the law.