Post-International Acquisition Brand Migration
A checklist of considerations that may be used during the due diligence phase in order to help give shape to a proper post-closing migration process.
A checklist of considerations that may be used during the due diligence phase in order to help give shape to a proper post-closing migration process.
This checklist provides steps for dealing with conflicts of interest under Section 3.4 of the new Rules of Professional Conduct.
When working with outside counsel on creating a more 'value-based' relationship, a detailed discussion of performance for value should occur. Use this handout as a guide on what to ask outside counsel before you beginning your engagement. And be prepared to answer a few questions from them as well.
This is a detailed outline of the 2011 ACC Annual Meeting Session 305. It covers risk management principles, root cause analysis, and enforcement of international contracts.
Appendix B to the 2012 Corporate Counsel University Session 700- Adding Value: Strategic Planning and Demonstrating Success. It contains a template for business plan creation.
A Checklist of best practices for public companies and their counsel to consider when the company and its employees are active in social media. This Checklist offers suggestions in dealing with the limitations and challenges that federal securities laws place on the use of social media and avoiding violations of the securities laws. This Checklist also covers social media use during sensitive disclosure periods, such as during securities offerings and proxy solicitations.
This checklist sets forth a list of questions to ask when considering whether to purchase cloud services and when negotiating a cloud services agreement.
An overview of the benefits that analytics can bring to a company's legal department.
This is a checklist of the key terms a start-up company should endeavor to include in any letter of intent for a lease.
When the general counsel has a seat at the chief executive’s leadership table, it sends a signal to the company’s stakeholders (internal and external) that ethics, compliance, and other legal risk considerations are a top priority of the company. This resource outlines why the general counsel should be a key ally and partner in establishing a corporate culture.