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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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344 Results

Resource Listings


Project Completion and Transaction to Operation

By James Dixon, Dorothy Franzoni, Craig Johnson, Robert Temple, Charles W. Whitney

This checklist outlines which areas counsel must cover when the end of a project draws near. It includes questions regarding contract closeout and transition to operations.


Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Sample Business Partner Due Diligence Checklist (United States)

By Bloomberg Law

This sample checklist illustrates how to implement a necessary element of a comprehensive Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) program, and is designed to help compliance professionals, in the United States, ensure they have considered all of the issues. Thorough and well-documented due diligence on third parties is a crucial element in a company’s compliance program to prevent liability under the FCPA.


Caterpillar Legal Services Pro Bono Program: An Overview

By Katherine Wren, Solar Turbines, a Caterpillar Company

Provides comprehensive overview of Caterpillar's internal pro bono structure. Includes guide to how program was set up, how it is run, and some logistical/ethical issues Caterpillar encountered.


Termination Review Checklist

How to handle employee complaints, leaves of absence, disability, workers' compensation claim, retention or other agreements and statutory notice provisions when evaluation candidates for termination.


Striking the Right Balance: Supporting the Sales Function and Managing Risk, with Efficiency- Outline

By David Eberhardt<br />Principal<br />Miles & Stockbridge P.C.<br /><br />Juliette Pryor <br />EVP, General Counsel & Chief Ethics Officer <br />U.S. Foodservice <br /><br />Robin Weyand <br />Legal Counsel, CDIY<br />Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.

This is a detailed outline of the materials presented in the Annual Meeting 2011 Session 301. It addresses strategies for achieving legal department efficiency, sales force training and self-help tools.


Overview of Employment and Labor Law in Spain

By Bufete Suárez de Vivero

This quick reference provides you with a general overview of some of the nuances in the employment and labor law realm as it pertains to Spain. The document delves into the legal framework and then touches on core areas (employment contracts, working conditions, etc.) that you need to be mindful of.