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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Program Materials

So You Want to Teach Law School? (Presentation Slides)

By Veta T. Richardson, ACC President and CEO, and Justin Connor, Executive Director, Center for Industry Self-Regulation

These are the slides of the 2023 presentation given by Veta T. Richardson, ACC President and CEO, and Justin Connor, Executive Director, Center for Industry Self-Regulation, on tips and strategies for proposing, creating, and teaching a law school course.

Program Materials
Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Protecting Your Business in a Digital World: Top 10 Questions for Internal Teams and Stakeholders

By Wendy Esposito, Of Counsel, Benesch
Alison K. Evans, Partner, Benesch

This Top 10 is intended to help in-house counsel obtain the most important information related to technology projects so they can evaluate risks to the company’s data, intellectual property, and commercial interests, and ensure proper contractual protections.

Program Materials

Building an In-house Department from Scratch: Identifying Priorities, Red Flags, & Managing Business Relationships

By Emir Crowne, General Counsel at Brock Solutions; Sherie Edwards, VP Corporate & Legal at SVMIC; Dick Mosher, retired CLO/GC/AGC from Loctronix / Ball / Maytag / Hoover, and Senior Consultant at the Vanguard Network; and Matt Nolan, Assistant General Counsel at Honeywell Sensing & Safety Technologies

View checklists on building a law department, in the materials from this presentation by in-house counsel.

Program Materials

The Brief: A Legal Quick Hit Overview - Key Developments in U.S. Sanctions

By Jim Kearney, Womble Bond Dickinson LLP & Laura Martino, Global Jet Capital, Inc.

Global supply chains have been greatly disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, sending companies scrambling to find both new sources of supplies and new customers for their products. But even as businesses struggle to find their footing in this new international marketplace, they also must be aware of US sanctions. Aggressive enforcement of US sanctions programs continues, even in the COVID-19 environment, and companies face increasing pressure to perform robust due diligence on their counterparties to reduce the risks of sanctions non-compliance.

Program Materials

Commercial Agency Agreements

By Danielle Lobo, Partner, Afridi & Angell (UAE), Fatima Al Ali, Partner, Hassan Radhi (Bahrain), and Rakan Alyusuf, Associate, Law Office of Mohanned S. Al-Rasheed in Association with Baker Botts L.L.P. (KSA)

This presentation outlines and explains key highlights and practical issues pertaining to commercial agencies in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia.

Program Materials

Investigating and Defending Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Claims In the COVID-19 Era

By Kevin G. Chapman, Associate General Counsel, Dow Jones & Company, Aida Babalola, Senior Legal Director, Global Employment Law, PepsiCo, Inc., Leilani Harbeck, Senior Counsel, Conagra Brands, Inc., Lesley Marlin, Senior In-house Counsel, Northrop Grumman Corp.

In this Slide Presentation from ACC's Annual Meeting 2020, in-house counsel can learn how Covid-19 impacts investigating certain claims in your companies. This is a partner resource to "Top Tips for Investigating and Defending Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Claims In the COVID-19 Era (United States)" found in ACC's Resource Library.

This presentation took place virtually at ACC's Annual Meeting 2020 from October 12-16, session #712.