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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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287 Results

Resource Listings

Advocacy Filings

Swidler & Berlin, et al. v. U.S, U.S. S. Ct., 4/1/1998

Swidler & Berlin, et al. v. U.S, U.S. S. Ct., 4/1/1998. This Amicus Brief argues in light of Federal Rule of Evidence 501's "reason and experience" an absolute, rather than qualified, posthumous privilege is necessary. Additionally, the court erred in applying the lax work-product standard for purely factual information to mental-impression work product, and allowed the disclosure of factual material in the lawyer's notes revealing his thoughts and legal strategies.

Advocacy Filings

Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief

By Seth Goldberg and Cynthia Taub - Steptoe & Johnson LLP

A complaint alleging that a rule requiring pesticide registrants to report information concerning "unreasonable adverse effects" of their products to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exceeds EPA's statutory authority and impermissibly impinges the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine.

Advocacy Filings

Motion for Leave to File a Brief for Amici Curiae and Brief for Amici Curiae American Corporate Counsel Association, et al. in Support of Petitioners

A motion for leave to file brief and an attached brief regarding the critical importance both to corporations engaged in interstate commerce that receive legal advice and representation from out-of-state lawyers and to the attorneys (whether in-house or outside counsel) who provide such multi-state services.

Advocacy Filings

Domain Name Purchase Agreement

Seller has registered the Internet domain name and the Buyer desires that Seller sell to Buyer and transfer all rights in the
Domain Name to Buyer.

Advocacy Filings

Shareholder Access

By ACC Corporate and Securities Committee

Comment on the SEC shareholder access proposal.

Advocacy Filings

Possible Permissive Exclusion of Purdue Pharma L.P. Executives

By Susan Hackett - senior vice president and general counsel, Association of Corporate Counsel

A letter arguing that imposing an additional permissive exclusion penalty on "responsible corporate officers" would undermine that the primary goal of the laws governing heavily regulated industries, which should be to encourage and incentivize the best behavior possible from senior management by lining up their interests with the interests of public protection.

Advocacy Filings

Amended Motion of the Securities Industry Association, et al. for Leave to File Brief Amici Curiae

By George R. Kramer - Securities Industry Association; Renee S. Dankner and Susan Hackett - Association of Corporate Counsel; Marjorie E. Gross - The Bond Market Association; Robin S. Conrad and Amar D. Sarwal - National Chamber Litigation Center, Inc.; William R. McLucas, Howard M. Shapiro, Jonathan E. Nuechterlein and Christopher Davies - Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP

An amended motion for leave to file an amicus brief in the Stein case.