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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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287 Results

Resource Listings

Advocacy Filings

Application for Leave to file Brief Amicus Curiae and Brief of the American Corporate Counsel Association in Support of Appellant

By Kenneth C. Bornholdt - American Corporate Counsel Association; Timothy C. Winslow - American Corporate Counsel Association

A brief arguing that the decision of the California Public Utilities Commission ("PUC") would virtually eliminate that ability of inside counsel to assist companies regulated by the PUC and conflicts with the corporations right to the assistance of counsel.

Advocacy Filings

Brief of Amicus Curiae National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers in Support of Petitioner

By Joshua L. Dratel - Law Offices of Joshua L. Dratel, P.C.; Robert N. Weiner - Arnold & Porter LLP; Eric L. Dobberteen - Arnold & Porter LLP; Christopher S. Rhee - Arnold & Porter LLP; G. Warren Bleeker - Arnold & Porter LLP; Melanie Hanson Sartoris - Arnold & Porter LLP; and Courtney Stuart-Alban - Arnold & Porter LLP

This brief focuses on issues that create additional personal liabilities for in-house counsel and defense counsel in general; the zealous representation, level of communication and overall relationship
of in-house counsel and their clients; and Document retention policies and the resulting liabilities for those who administer them.