Council on State Taxation amicus brief, TEXTRON V. US, 1/10
Council on State Taxation amicus brief, TEXTRON V. US, 1/10
Council on State Taxation amicus brief, TEXTRON V. US, 1/10
A sample code of conduct for international business relationships.
ACC Amicus in Pacific V. Mayer Brown (PIMCO) filed 9/15/09
SEC Amicus brief Pacific v. Mayer (PIMCO v REFCO) filed 8/6/09
New England Legal Foundation, NELF, amicus brief, Textron v. US, 1/10
The Corporate & Securities Law Committee and the Employment & Labor Law Committee of the Association of Corporate Counsel ("ACC") are pleased to have this opportunity to provide comments on behalf of ACC with respect to the proposed amendments to the proxy statement executive compensation disclosure rules which the Securties and Exchange Commission (the Commission) published in the Federal Register on February 8, 2006.
A brief arguing that the prevailing market rate is the most reasonable, equitable, and predictable method of calculating reasonable attorney fees for in-house counsel.
A memorandum of law arguing that the Court should hold that the representation of a corporate litigant by an in-house attorney employee authorized to practice law in New Jersey is neither an unauthorized practice of law nor a prohibited pro se appearance.
Letter sent to Wisconsin Supreme Court advocating the adoption of an "in-house counsel rule" that allows corporate counsel to give legal advice to employers without violating "unauthorized practice of law" rules.