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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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287 Results

Resource Listings

Advocacy Filings

Application of the Competition Act and the Investment Canada Act to Mergers and Acquisitions in Canada

By Shawn Neylan, Stikeman Elliott LLP

The Competition Act ("CA") is federal legislation of general
application related to all aspects of competition law in Canada, including merger review. The CA sets out the relevant monetary and (where applicable) shareholding thresholds that trigger a pre-
merger notification requirement. The CA also allows the Commissioner of Competition (the "Commissioner") to challenge a transaction if she believes it raises substantive competition issues, whether or not there is a pre-merger notification

Advocacy Filings

Brief for Amici Curiae the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America and Association of Corporate Counsel Supporting Textron Inc. and in Favor of Affirmance

By Robin S. Conrad and Amar D. Sarwal - National Chamber Litigation Center, Inc; David M. Brodsky, Robert J. Malionek and Adam J. Goldberg - Latham & Watkins LLP

A brief arguing that the IRS audit process should not take precedence over the importance of the attorney-client privilege and the work product doctrine.

Advocacy Filings

ACC Coalition Testimony to the USSC (11/15/05)

Statement of The American Chemistry Council, The Association of Corporate Counsel, and The National Association of Manufacturers
Before the United States Sentencing Commission, November 15, 2005,
Washington, DC. Regarding the Need to Amend the Commentary to Section 8C2.5, Regarding Waiver of the Attorney-Client Privilege and the Work Product Doctrine

Advocacy Filings

Comments of the Global Corporate Counsel Association-Europe

By ACCA European Chapter

GCCA-Europe filed comments in 2003 with the European Competition Law Commission regarding the Commission?s inquiry into the regulation of the"liberal professions? in the EU, and whether, in specific, lawyer regulation in each of the member states was in some way impinging on the free flow of commerce