After a decade of one ABA Section Committee that covered both Superfund and
Hazardous Waste, we decided to realign to better reflect the way practitioners have segmented
their practices. Thus, this is the maiden voyage of a new committee known as the Superfund and
Natural Resource Damages Litigation Committee. Note the emphasis on litigation. As we step
into the next phase of Superfund and NRD, we all expect the litigation to continue. This
committee is devoted to providing practical information, resources and tools to assist those
lawyers whose focus is in the Superfund and NRD areas.
An article and presentation on the when to set a reserve.
511 - Use of Nonlegal Managers to Perform Legal Functions
510 - Welcome to Rookie Camp: 10 Things New In-house Lawyers Should Know
An overview of settling environmental cases.
A presentation on outsourcing your company's technology operations.