Navigating Employment Law’s Bermuda Triangle - Managing Leave & Reasonable Accommodation Issues
606 - Navigating Employment Law’s Bermuda Triangle - Managing Leave & Reasonable Accommodation Issues
606 - Navigating Employment Law’s Bermuda Triangle - Managing Leave & Reasonable Accommodation Issues
603 - Globalized Risk: Internal Investigations outside the U.S.
This resource discusses gaining interest and knowledge retention on complex legal issues, such as the use of policies to inform, educate and deal with issues and global engagement.
It’s not how you negotiate, but how you reduce negotiations. This program will cover the major issues in technology contracts and practical advice on what you can negotiate with the giants of the IT world. Learn how to work with large and small vendors in collaborating and negotiating common terms that are applicable throughout the industry.
Because of their disposition, background and training, lawyers are often most comfortable expressing themselves through the spoken or written word. The reports that legal departments give to their boards of directors (BOD) are often in the form of narratives of major events (litigation, claims, etc.) that are considered sufficient material for the board’s review. However, BODs continue to increase their expectations of the quality and depth of information they receive from all members of the senior management team. Legal departments can use readily available data and software to create statistics-driven analyses to enhance their understanding of trends in their areas of responsibility, and increase the value of their reports. Come to this session to learn how lawyers without formal business administration training can use common software tools to create analytics (that do not require extensive statistical or modeling expertise or additional expense), and convey this information to their boards.
This program material looks at the current changes, illustrated with several examples, and provides an outlook as to how the future of legal services could be. The panelists present best practice examples and provide insight on how their legal departments are preparing for the evolution of the legal service industry.
Professional success in the law is no longer a result of strong technical skills alone. Today, whether you work in-house or in a law firm, career growth and longevity are inextricably linked to one’s emotional intelligence – that is, the ability to develop relationships with colleagues, internal and external clients, strategic partners and others, and how those relationships can deliver meaningful value.
As cost centers, law departments and their leaders frequently struggle to tangibly articulate their value to the business. This panel discussion will address the necessary information to clearly define and articulate your value and your department’s overall framework and operations to decision-makers including the CEO, CFO and board. The session will include: the benchmark information you need to clearly articulate value; how to present the case for hiring new resources, including how to optimize structure, align the department with the business goals, and assess optimal sourcing and staffing work within the department; and how to quantify the law department cost drivers that are impacted by decisions related to law department structure and staffing.
This program will address key issues in contract drafting, negotiation, execution and management. Such issues will include the role of counsel in the drafting process, drafting techniques with regard to recitals, definitions, primary and economic operating provisions, representations and warranties, and convenants and conditions. A discussion will also be held on how a legal department can become a better facilitator in the contracting process. It is expected that the presenters will include both inside and outside counsel, and the attendees will be provided with realistic examples from which to develop additional skills.
Now that both parties have negotiated and agreed on the contract, you can’t just sit back and let the contract take care of itself. This session will address the best practices for creating and maintaining a corporate contract management repository within the legal department that fully addresses the contract lifecycle. This program will also<br />discuss transparency, profiling, and archiving.