West meets East: Cultural and Legal Issues from Europe’s Eastern Frontier into Asia
Provides an overview of the legal and regulatory regimes in Russia and Former Soviet states related to joint ventures.
Provides an overview of the legal and regulatory regimes in Russia and Former Soviet states related to joint ventures.
An overview of various strategies and tips to make law departments more efficient and effective. Includes surveys of in-house counsel covering various metrics of efficiency, cost, and satisfaction.
A review of some different approaches to legal and compliance training, taking into account generational differences in the workforce.
Ten tips for in-house counsel on how they can better define their value to their company.
This material contains information on how to conduct a gap analysis and design a compliance program that fits your organization’s needs. Learn about successful program-building strategies and how to avoid compliance program pitfalls. Also, learn how to measure the effectiveness of your program and conduct a compliance audit.
This material contains a link to the Marsh & McLennan Companies Code of Conduct (in multiple languages).
Smart companies plan, measure results and demonstrate success. The legal department within those companies needs to follow suit. Demonstrating to your client that you add value is critical. This program will teach the in’s and out’s of strategic planning and effective metrics development that will help you demonstrate your department’s successes and show your boss how you add value to the company’s bottom line.
Technology Planning for Legal Operations session resource
A trade secret’s existence and value are challenged by increased outsourcing, subcontracting, and employee mobility. This panel will discuss tips and tactics for establishing and protecting trade secrets in the context of a remote and mobile workforce, including hiring and firing concerns and risks and strategies associated with telecommuters, bring-your-own-device policies, and secure data access and management.