Have you hired outside counsel through a relationship developed on an online community?
ACC homepage poll results for the week of 9/19/2011 - 9/25/2011.
ACC homepage poll results for the week of 9/19/2011 - 9/25/2011.
Law departments across the globe will need to manage a number of issues in order
to successfully navigate the challenges they face today and in the future.
This survey is intended to be a reference guide of technology solutions currently being used by ACC Legal Operations members to support their legal function. The survey covered 22 different solution areas.
Cybersecurity touches every aspect of global consumer and corporate culture today. Preventing, preparing for, and responding to data breaches in real time is a chief concern for individuals, corporate leaders, and government regulators. Download the 2018 ACC Foundation: the State of Cybersecurity Report, underwritten by Ballard Spahr LLP, and learn what more than 600 corporate counsel say about their cybersecurity experiences, role, and practices.
Law departments across the globe will need to manage a number of issues in order
to successfully navigate the challenges they face today and in the future.
Find out more with the 2015 ACC Chief Legal Officers Europe Report. This report spotlights top legal and business concerns weighing on CLOs in European corporate legal departments. CLOs from the region identified emerging trends, business priorities, budget, staffing changes, and more as their top concerns.
The information contained in this Executive Summary of Key Findings and the full report provides useful data for corporate legal departments, law firms and legal industry partners, such as recruiters, knowledge management consultants and litigation support providers as they seek to adjust to environmental changes affecting corporate practice. Legal work continues to shift among law firms, legal service providers and in-house law departments.
Cybersecurity touches every aspect of consumer and corporate culture. Preventing, preparing for, and responding to data breaches in real time is a chief concern for individuals, corporate leaders, and government regulators. Download the 2018 ACC Foundation: the State of Cybersecurity Report, underwritten by Ballard Spahr LLP, and learn what more than 600 corporate counsel say about their cybersecurity experiences, role, and practices. The full report includes common preventative tactics, lessons learned from those who have experienced a breach (including how the breach occurred and who was affected), and more.
This survey provides research findings regarding compliance officers' responsibilities and assessments concerning data privacy.
This fourth edition of Deloitte's 'Look Before You Leap' survey focused on the use of background/integrity checks when considering a business relationship, investment, or acquisition outside the United States.