Discusses the pivotal issues and re-evaluates the unauthorized practice of law in light of the California Supreme Courts Birbrower decision.
. This course will help you (1) recognize legal and ethical issues as they arise in the workplace, (2) respond appropriately to those issues, and (3) perform your jobs with the utmost integrity. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
Read this 2009 Communicator Award-winning column!<br/>The Streisand Effect encapsulates a phenomenon that derives from a case that involved Barbra herself; by attempting to squelch information you can inadvertently make it wildly popular. In-house attorneys have been dealing with the Streisand Effect for years, and the introduction of the internet changed the venue.
Kate Duchene, CLO and executive vice president, human resources of Resources Global Professionals, discusses fostering a team-oriented environment and promoting ethical behavior, while coping with current regulations.
"But the lawyers signed off on it..." is a common refrain that in-house counsel hear about their duties. In this article, learn more about how to add value to your work through some due diligence practices.
As noted in a recent New York Times article, “there is a widespread belief that software and algorithms that rely on data are objective. But, software is not free of human influence. Algorithms are written and maintained by people, and machine-learning algorithms adjust what they do based on people’s behavior.” In an era where big data is used for decision-making purposes, the legal profession grapples with possible hidden bias and the need for greater transparency in the use of black-box algorithms. This session will explore data ethics and the need for its inclusion in information governance conversations within corporations as entities collect, use, and monetize client data. The session will explore C-suite transparency in connection with software used for insider threat monitoring and surveillance, making hiring decisions, and monitoring various forms of employee behavior.
Working on a nonprofit board can a valuable and rewarding experience. But when the members of the board fail to ask the right questions about how their organization is being managed, the results often end up making the front pages.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted on the IT, Privacy and eCommerce Forum, addresses under what conditions consequential damages in non-disclosure agreements should be disclaimed.
Social networking is no longer relegated to personal communications; businesses are increasingly using Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to strengthen their relationships with consumers. While benefits of social networking are numerous, these sites have become increasingly attractive targets in litigation. This article discusses how organizations can mitigate the risks associated with social networking through thoughtful and proactive planning.
Brazil is among the ten largest economies in the world, and it represents one of the largest domestic markets in the world. This article aims at showing the main considerations one should have when planning to invest in Brazil.
This is a sample non-compete agreement among a company, a covenantor, and an employee.
Be an informed do-gooder. Before investing time and money in charities — either personally or on your company’s behalf — understand how the Madoff scandal has affected them. Learn to use the New Form 990 to analyze individual approaches to governance and managing finances.
Have you ever needed a technology tool that would make your practice more efficient but found that generic office products didn't deliver all that you needed? Read this article to learn how with a very modest budget you can rapidly develop technology tools targeted to support your legal practice and protect the intellectual property therein.
This article explains how in-house counsel can advise their clients who desire to terminate international distributors and agents.
Discusses how to maintain a company's financial integrity in a time of crisis by developing a strong FCPA compliance system, and analyzes the case of Monsanto Company that demonstrates how a company can use its financial predicament to ultimately build a best practices compliance program centered around meeting, and at times even exceeding, their legal obligations.
Tweet, tweet. Chances are, the development of social media has outpaced your client’s employee policy. Learn what to be cautious of, and how to address this trend reasonably and realistically. Create a policy that protects your company while still encouraging use to your company’s advantage.
Performing pro bono service can be challenging for the in-house attorney. Most pro bono service involves direct work with individual clients in need, and the usual client of the in-house attorney is a corporation or nonprofit entity. This article details the efforts of one corporate law department to create a successful pro bono program.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides an overview of key issues to address, the content of each of these document, intellectual property issues, and employment issues on an international joint venture. In addition, this document provides an analysis of the various legal structures that are commonly used as vehicles for international joint ventures control and minority protection at board and shareholder level, key competition issues, and deadlock and termination provisions in the context of an international corporate joint venture.
Learn strategies for in-house counsel and the legal department to plan and support the effective implementation of a records retention policy and schedule for the business. This in-depth guide presents key challenges regarding the execution of a records retention schedule, a comparison of different methods, strategies to get started, and tips on employee behavior change management and training, legacy paper and electronic disposition, addressing offsite records, and upgrading a records program to information governance.
The Australian In-house Legal Counsel Pro Bono Guide, and provides detailed insights for the in-house profession. It includes case studies of pro bono legal services provided by some of Australia’s top organisations and guidance on how to create an effective in-house pro bono program.
This guide builds on a previous 2013 publication.
309 Career Planning for the Legal Department
Your company is on the brink of a major merger or acquisition and there isn't a lot of time to prepare a physical dataroom for the many documents involved. Why not create a virtual dataroom instead? This article looks at some of the benefits of going virtual - allowing your company advisers to review documents and saving you time.
Selected cases and materials related to limitation on liability.
Employees are the front line of your information security defense. While technological protections are essential (for example, antivirus software, firewalls, spam filters, etc.), none are as effective as a vigilant end user. These are checklists of measures of which every user should be aware.
Learn about the potential introduction of a digital Euro.
If the US national debt reaches the limit set by the US Congress, a question would arise whether there is a risk that the United States might default on its obligations. With this curated selection of resources, learn about the implications in terms of disclosures for public companies, the impact on government contractors, and other issues.
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