The Legal Operations Maturity Model is being provided in an excel format for our members convenience.
The impacts of climate change are upon us and corporations now face the ramifications. In this article, in-house counsel will learn about emerging duties that are impacted and affected by this climate crisis.
Your company can use assets and preserve capital by leasing commercial equipment. Learn to identify an agreement that will deliver tangible benefits — secure warranties on the equipment, protect capital and credit lines, and give your client tax advantages, among others.
This brief argues an indictment can have devastating consequences for a corporation and thus a post-indictment motion to dismiss is not an adequate remedy.
The Covid-19 pandemic is not only a major public health crisis, but the kick-start of an irreversible change in the global economic order. In this article, learn how other in-house counsel, executives, and business people rethink responsible investment and implement consistent policies for good environmental, social, and corporate governance practices (known by the acronym ESG - Environmental, Social, and Governance) have been showing great competitive advantage over others.
Este artículo enumera seis buenas prácticas para fortalecer la protección de datos personales en el contexto de expansión del uso de la Inteligencia Artificial en las operaciones de las empresas.
The accumulation of information and documents creates compliance risks, drives up the cost of ediscovery and hampers employee productivity. Learn how to create an effective program that can have a measurable impact on the business.
This is a checklist of regulatory sources of training requirements for registered broker dealers.
An overview of the process necessary to enter corporate litigation. Includes guides to preparing for litigation, litigation holds and internal discovery, outside litigation counsel, conducting effective investigations for litigation or government reviews, paying for litigation, and settlement.
Most lawyers are seriously deficient at using the time-saving features built into the basic tools of the trade — standard software like Outlook, Word and Adobe. Could you pass a technology competency assessment? If not, don’t dismay, these skills aren’t innate; sometimes training is necessary.
Digital health and other companies that maintain reproductive health-related personal and health information need to consider the potential implications of the US Supreme Court's Dobbs decision overturning the right to an abortion. If your company has digital health platforms, including fertility trackers and period trackers, this checklist will help you to make sure you have considered the relevant issues.
In this Quick Overview, learn more about the guidelines, coverage, compliance responsibilities, and personal information qualifications present in the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
Use this material to convince your CEO that you need to implement an effective compliance program or revamp your current one.
With organisations increasingly relying on AI technology, UK and EU regulators are turning their attention to effective regulation of AI in an effort to recognise its benefits while instilling confidence in individuals that the increasing use of AI is being deployed appropriately and lawfully. In the EU, the European Commission’s AI Act (“Act”) proposal has undergone further changes following review by EU member states. The Council of the EU approved a compromise version of the Act on 6 December 2022. The European Parliament is expected to vote on the draft by the end of March 2023, with a view to adopting the Act by the end of 2023.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted onthe Small Law Departments eGroup, addresses issues involving negotiating terms and conditions. The issues discussed include avoiding restrictive terms & conditions, battling conflicting terms, and dealing with hard-line negotiators.
Three Party Master Depositor Escrow Service Agreement for the United Kingdom
This article discusses how DuPont's law department is using technology to create a virtual law firm, by fostering collaboration among its in-house staff, its outside law firms, and its serious providers.
This article discusses the European Commission's adopting the first set of EU Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The ESRS are mandatory common standards by which in-scope companies must report comparable, consistent and detailed information across environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
Workplace bullying can negatively affect your organization in a variety of ways — from the health and productivity of the victim, lost profits, your company’s reputation and even litigation. Learn how to spot the symptoms of this “silent epidemic,” and protect your employees and your company from abusive behavior.
This resource is a sample checklist of items to consider when using social media to promote a contest or other event.
This Quick Overview addresses when and how to oppose a trademark application in Canada. Those familiar with the process in the United States will find it much the same.
The Peter Principle, authored in 1969, is now out of print. But in this column, Bill Mordan re-examines the truths behind the theory which asserts that "in a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence."
In this multi-country guide, learn about class actions in a wide range of jurisdictions in Europe.
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