This resource is a report published by the Coalition for Integrity, which summarizes how machine learning can be utilized in anti-bribery case and corruption compliance programs. It provides analyses of the advantages of the challenges of machine learning in these cases and makes subsequent recommendations for companies to consider as well.
A review of Brazilian corporate taxes at the federal, state, and municipal level.
This Guide developed by Latham & Watkins is a resource for public company executives and in-house counsel facing an investigation by the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
This article explores the role of business in resisting and denouncing all forms of bribe solicitation and extortion. It is a chapter in a book titled International Chamber of Commerce Ethics and Compliance Training Handbook which can be purchased <a href="">here</a>. You can learn more about the handbook <a href="">here</a>.
This article outlines the key benefits of a ride share service, including car and driver verification, GPS tracking and cashless transactions in the United States.
While there are some that may argue that the essence of being a lawyer has changed little over the past century, there is no doubt that the traditional system and way of delivering legal services is being challenged.
A panel of seasoned attorneys will examine the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and antitrust policies (drafting, implementation, etc.) in small law departments; and will address other policies companies should have in place from a general compliance standpoint.
Knowing the law is key to serving your clients. Knowing why people behave the way they do and your own strengths and weaknesses in dealing with them can make you successful. Research has shown that some of the very skills that make us technically competent as lawyers actually hurt our ability to work with other people well and move our careers forward. A panel of experts will tell you how to harness your emotional intelligence, how to measure it and how to improve it.
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