Provides a list of circumstances commonly excluded from force majeure (FM) to assist in deciding whether they should be in or out of your list of FM triggers.
Claims against in-house lawyers remain relatively rare but not as rare as they once were. In this article, in-house counsel can learn about some recent cases in which counsel has been sued and how to protect themselves and their company against these issues.
Top ten tips to illustrate how taking a holistic, enterprise-wide view of contract management will aid in striking the balance between risk and business objectives in a timely and efficient manner.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high level overview of property law. The Intellectual Property (IP) in business transactions Q&A gives an overview of maintaining an IP portfolio, exploiting an IP portfolio through assignment and licensing, taking security over IPRs, IP and M&A transactions, and the impact of IP on key areas such as competition law, employees and tax in Australia.
Your computer department calls, saying, "There is a worm in our system! We have been hacked!" What do you do? Learn how to prepare for and react to intrusions when your company’s systems are attacked.
A February 25, 2022 decree clarifies obligations of the Rixain law adopted in France in late 2021. Read some of the details in this article.
Ben Franklin knew a thing or two about inventions and money, though not so much about patent litigation. You can use his wisdom, though, to curb many of patent litigation's costs. Read how up-front investments in defining clear goals, selecting top-notch counsel, retaining the right experts, and realistically analyzing the merits and costs will save you money in the long run.
At first glance, devising and negotiating payment term policies may appear to be a purely financial endeavor. However, a knowledgeable in-house counsel could craft these policies to help anticipate certain problems, while appeasing parties on both sides of the negotiation. Learn how different policies work and what terms are used to better meet the requirements
of your organization in the United States.
Settlements resolve nearly all legal disputes, but settlement remains an ad hoc event and is rarely treated as the defined process it should be. Settlement counsel are another tool in your arsenal
This guide covers key legal issues, rules, and developments regarding fraud and asset tracing across a range of jurisdictions.
Contract manufacturing involves negotiation between two parties: the manufacturer and the brand name owner. For commercial purposes, the arrangement works well. Each party is able to focus on their core competencies. However, when the lawyers sit down to hammer out the contracts, problems often arise. Three strategies can resolve contractual issues: the one-to-one contracting model, agreements in tandem, or a Joinder, which brings the contract manufacturer under the terms of the Master Agreement.
A short overview of the top ten Intellectual Property (IP) issues related to 3D Printing. Provides a brief introduction to 3D printing and its capabilities.
These guidelines cover all social media platforms - technologies that enable social interaction.
In-house counsel at brand-owning companies are already well aware of the importance and value of any major company trademark but often lack a consistent policy for handling less critical marks. Third-party infringement of a lesser mark can still cause significant headaches. Prevent the nightmare situation of infringing on someone’s prior trademark, which can result in litigation, lost inventory and more.
This article discusses current issues and concerns for employers surrounding the use of arbitration to resolve employment disputes.
Is your company acting within US import and export laws, fulfilling the legal obligations that fall under them? As the company's legal expert, in-house counsel needs to make sure that the company understands and complies with the many laws associated with this aspect of business.
From lessons learned to the changing corporate climate, Ryan offers his thoughts on why you want that coveted general counsel position, how to get it, and how to stay happy while you're there. If you're still working for a law firm or simply new to in-house, Ryan just may offer you the perspective you need to move in-house and up the ladder.
Employees are the front line of your information security defense. While technological protections are essential (for example, antivirus software, firewalls, spam filters, etc.), none are as effective as a vigilant end user. These are checklists of measures of which every user should be aware.
In October's Careerparth, Bill Mordan reminds us of the shortcomings of the data that today's executives possess.
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