This short resource lists common misconceptions around copyright and information sharing in the workplace (with a focus on US law), and guidelines for educating employees on the responsible use of content.
In this article regarding US employment laws, learn about the at-will presumption and exceptions to the rule.
This article outlines red flags that brand owners and licensees should look for, consider, and address if they find such flags in a brand license agreement.
Banks, brokers and insurance companies are often affiliated, but doing business with affiliates creates some inherent conflicts. Panelists will address how to identify, disclose, mitigate and otherwise manage these types of conflicts as well as address the rules of professional responsibility and ethical considerations.
Whitnie Wiley discusses the importance of making a plan for our careers to achieve our goals.
ACC members answer the following questions: Do we need malpractice coverage to protect ourselves against claims of clients, shareholders and third parties, or is D&O enough? How do the policies work, what do they cost, and how does one justify the cost?
This briefing summarises the key developments from 1 July 2022.
Learn about stricter terms entering into SMEs in the Netherlands.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of merger control, regulatory framework and regulatory authorities in Japan.
In this session, we will cover important recent U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) developments, rulemaking and enforcement trends. We will update our Dodd-Frank scorecards and review the most significant recently adopted and proposed rules. The session will also cover important lessons from the 2013 proxy season, with a particular focus on stockholder activism, and updates in the auditing and accounting arena — calling out hot spots in SEC accounting reviews. This will be a fast-moving session that assumes participants have a working knowledge of the 1933 Act and the 1934 Act.
This Leading Practices Profile, a supplement to ACC’s 2006 Leading Practices Profile, Contract Management for Small Law Departments, features law department leading contract management practices of seven entities. These entities provided background on databases and repository systems, as well as contract review, approval and archiving policies. In addition, participants shared key practices for successful program implementation and best contract administration practices. This supplement expands the scope of the 2006 Profile to include entities with medium and large law departments.
In this ACC guide (InfoPAK) for advanced practitioners with a basic understanding of technology agreements, employment agreements, and commercial lease agreements, learn practical tips for addressing important issues that frequently arise in these areas, and gain critical guidance and necessary best practices designed to help businesses achieve their commercial goals.
Read Bob Feldman's thoughts on a crisp force majeure contract provision.
This report therefore gives an inside view to the challenging task of managing a corporate legal department in Russia under extra-ordinary circumstances. It also provides heads of legal departments with important management benchmarks and gives law firm leaders greater insight and understanding when dealing with clients.
Bullying doesn't only happen on the playground - it can happen around the water cooler in your office. Learn how to address this behavior and prevent the legal and financial problems that can result from one employee being a little too mean to another.
Global business leaders provide unique strategies for how the in-house counsel of today can be better prepared to become the in-house counsel of tomorrow.
This is a sample of what board of director meeting minutes should contain.
This is a sample layout for minutes of a board of directors meeting.
For over a decade, the legal field has been gradually incorporating electronic signatures into daily business operations. In-house counsel should learn the process so that implementation can be done with confidence.
By breaking down the details, in-house counsel can sensibly learn how “self-driving” cars are designed to work, and navigate future interactions with regulators and investors throughout the process.
Having a mentor at work can be crucial to your understanding of the company, general guidance, and overall performance. And choosing a mentor outside the legal department can help you gain invaluable perspective as you navigate your career.
Law students face an increasingly competitive entry-level job market. To bridge the gap between the study and practice of law, the University of San Diego School of Law developed a Corporate Counsel Internship program. Enrolled students will experience the multitude of challenges that face corporations and develop essential legal skills, thus benefiting themselves and their future employers.
604 - Advanced Settlement Techniques & the Use of Mediation & Arbitration to Resolve Disputes
The following article is a primer to help explain the negotiation of a license for customizable software products. This article discusses what to consider as part of the business arrangement, including issues related to product performance and liability, risk sharing, intellectual property matters, and other legal issues. This article is certainly not a substitute for personal advice from in-house counsel geared to the particular matter at hand, but should help lay the groundwork for discussions.
This article provides analysis and insights into Australia’s digital health for 2021. There are a number of key issues germane to digital health that the piece examines with great detail, in addition to providing questions and answers for each one.
The attorney hiring practice of limiting applicant pools based on law school ranking is an outdated method. This article supports a merit-based system for advancement in the legal profession, arguing against using standardized test scores and top-tier ranking as indicators of an attorney’s potential.
Learn how companies responding to EPA claims under the Superfund statute can seek federal government contribution due to federal ownership of industrial facilities during World War II.
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