With organisations increasingly relying on AI technology, UK and EU regulators are turning their attention to effective regulation of AI in an effort to recognise its benefits while instilling confidence in individuals that the increasing use of AI is being deployed appropriately and lawfully. In the EU, the European Commission’s AI Act (“Act”) proposal has undergone further changes following review by EU member states. The Council of the EU approved a compromise version of the Act on 6 December 2022. The European Parliament is expected to vote on the draft by the end of March 2023, with a view to adopting the Act by the end of 2023.
This article discusses the European Commission's adopting the first set of EU Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The ESRS are mandatory common standards by which in-scope companies must report comparable, consistent and detailed information across environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
January/February 2008: Tools & Solutions for Doing Your Job Better
The wrap up of ACC's Engaging Your Network program celebrates and profiles the two most successful members.
This InfoPak aims to assist in-house and outside counsel alike in counseling their clients toward selecting, achieving, and protecting strong brands.
This articles discusses the ongoing legal, ethical, and social debate regarding the role, if any, to afford personal privacy in a globalized and electronic public health surveillance system during a pandemic response.
You’ve recently been tapped to create your company’s compliance and ethics program from scratch, but quickly realize that each step seems more complicated than the last. However, fear not. With an acute understanding of your company’s compliance needs, in-house counsel can set the stage for future success.
Three Party Master Depositor Escrow Service Agreement for the United Kingdom
This multijurisdictional guide covers common issues in initial public offerings, including the IPO process, regulatory architecture, public company responsibilities, potential risks, liabilities, and pitfalls.
This training course provides an overview of OFAC sanctions and their key provisions. It will help you recognize situations presenting a risk of legal violations and deal with them properly.
This training course will help you recognize these "red flags" and respond appropriately. If you have any questions about how this material applies to your job responsibilities, please direct them to your supervisor
Get your pencils ready and don't be shy, because this program is not a panel of speakers telling you how to draft and negotiate a contract. Instead, you’ll get hands on experience with your peers on drafting those challenging provisions facing in-house counsel. Additionally, through interactive discussions, you will share and learn from your colleagues best practices on how a legal department can become a better facilitator in the contracting process within your organization.
The UAE Agency Law which has been in place since 1981 has been repealed and replaced by a new law, Federal Law No. 3 of 2022 Regulating Commercial Agencies which comes into force on 16 June 2023. The new law still provides protection for agents against the termination of the agency contract, which goes beyond the terms of the contract. However, this protection has been reduced and now provides greater balance between principals and agents. The de facto exclusivity which agents had under the old law continues under the new law.
In order to bypass the hazards and strains of litigation, many have chosen to resolve conflict through mediation. this article offers tips on how to prepare for mediation, including strategies for selecting an excellent mediator.
Identify requirements for managing and maintaining subsidiaries (including international subsidiaries). Receive practical guidance on managing costs and risks. Share tools used to manage subsidiaries and keep the board abreast of governance issues. Discuss the recommended frequency of board educational sessions on corporate governance (including whether these are typically provided in-house or by external parties). Examine the appropriate type of information reported at each level of the board (including committees and sub-committees). Learn best practices for serving as corporate secretary.
Unlike traditional panel formats, this interactive session is geared for those in their first five years in-house. Bring questions, hypothetical problems, issues and concerns to the panelists, experts in intellectual property, contract creation and litigation. They will answer your questions and make you aware of the latest leading trends in in-house practice.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
In order for your law department to be effective, its goals, objectives,and results must be aligned with those of your company. This article will help you to achieve such alignment through a simple three-step strategy for communication and change.
While working with outside counsel, the Fannie Mae legal team considered ending its relationship with them, as they were frustrated by their subpar performance and communication. However, by implementing simple quality-control practices, the in-house counsel preserved the client/firm relationship, without compromising efficiency in the process.
These are the official rules for entrants to create and submit screenplay proposals, screenplays, director pitches and short films that would belong in the world of “The Twilight Saga.”
How do you determine what needs to be done to improve value and efficiency, by whom and how? And how can you ensure that new initiatives stay on track and deliver results? Change management tactics -how to get from analysis to action, unleash the potential within the organization to see and act on ways to do things differently, and build momentum.
The pressure is on to run legal departments more like businesses - applying analytics to sharpen focus, deploying technology to automate processes, thoughtfully cultivating talent to meet department needs, unbundling legal services, applying disciplined approaches to managing external resources and consciously continuing improvement.
This is a sample sales agreement between a hotel and customer.
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