This guideline assists in the identification of physical security measures that can be applied at facilities to safeguard or protect an organization's assets- people, property, and information. It is not aimed at a specific occupancy, but facilities and buildings in general.
Ethique et confits d’intérêts en droit européen de la concurrence
As we all navigate the new ‘normal’ in the post-COVID-19 world, one major adjustment has been the ‘new’ workplace, aka our homes. This article profiles four in-house counsel and shares their experiences of working from home and their tips for getting through this challenging time.
In 2016, employers should expect to see US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) fines that are as much as 80 percent higher than in the past as a result of a budget provision signed into law by President Obama that will significantly increase OSHA fines for the first time since 1990. Fines will place greater emphasis on getting OSHA compliance right. In this program, OSHA experts will address the agency’s new penalties and provide a checklist for specific compliance steps that employers can use to better insulate their companies from those penalties. Presenters will address OSHA’s increased focus on new recordkeeping and reporting responsibilities; temporary works; Voluntary Safety and Health Program management guidelines; workplace violence; and joint employer responsibility.
Introduction and key findings from the ACC Foundation: the State of Cybersecurity Report.
ACC Board Chair Bill Mordan discusses the one word describes that best in-house lawyers: credibility.
When hiring in-house counsel, make sure to share the "3 C's" with candidates during the interview process: compensation, culture, and career development.
This article, titled Doing Business in Australia, is a complete guide for foreign investors who are looking to invest in Australia. The guide’s aim is to provide an introduction to Australian laws for overseas legal practitioners.
Five trends that may affect your career in 2013.
Does the general counsel fit in your CEO's group of trusted companions?
It is only when we don’t have anything to prove that we stop pretending to be something we are not.
This is a sample request for contract review or preparation.
Cloud-based solutions have revolutionised the way that business critical content is managed. While it excels at connecting people and devices to each other, the risks associated with this technology continue to surface. Increased data availability and improved performance remain the undeniable immediate opportunities but data security and privacy rules continue to be a constant concern for any user. This session will engage the audience in a lively thought exchange on this powerful technology capability.
Commercial Contract Series: Contractual Cyber Readiness - presentation held in Sydney 6 June 2017.
Jim Jackson, executive office director and general counsel of Medair, discusses risk management for the humanitarian aid industry.
604 - Advanced Settlement Techniques & the Use of Mediation & Arbitration to Resolve Disputes
Any entities that plan to invest or are already invested in digital health companies, entities that contract with them, or providers that offer in-house telehealth modalities must be aware of the significant regulatory oversight the industry faces. This article discusses the US Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Inspector General's Special Fraud Alert published on July 20, 2022, which was the same day the US Department of Justice announced a massive fraud takedown, targeting telemedicine providers and physicians that netted criminal charges against 36 defendants in schemes that allegedly defrauded the government out of more than $1.2 billion.
This is a sample purchase and sale agreement, for the sale of land and other rights and assets, by a seller company to a buyer Limited Liability Company (LLC).
ACC President and CEO Veta T. Richardson talks about the importance of ACC's "seat at the table" initiative.
June 2008: Tools & Solutions for Doing Your Job Better
Tools & Solutions for Doing Your Job Better
ACC president and CEO Veta T. Richardson delivers a message from the ACC Board Chair in the Docket's July/August issue.
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