As the LPO industry continues to grow, it has generally followed a business model rather than a traditional law firm model. Learn how corporate endorsements are helping to promote the LPO model.
An examination of the crucial attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine, including building confidentiality into your contracts, unilateral disclosure by an attorney, limited waiver, and electronic attorney-client communications.
Senior executives today move freely from team to team. Talent moves quickly, jumping across companies and across industry lines. And we should not be shocked.
The number of law suits companies faced in 2013 remained relatively unchanged compared with prior years, but the potential financial impact of those cases and the cost of defending them have risen, with health care and energy companies appearing particularly vulnerable, according to a new litigation survey.
How should employers classify employees after the enactment of California’s AB-5? In this checklist, learn more about the historical context of employee classification and how AB-5 can impact your company.
The key to managing projects is to realize that you can’t “do” a project; rather, you can only “do” an action. That’s right—one action at a time. Of course, knowing which actions to take, in which order—that’s the tricky part!
This Career Path series on Maxims of Corporate Success now faces the most important topic of all: Managing Yourself.
Many in-house practitioners work in multi-national corporations. Oftentimes, their assigned business units operate across national boundaries, with legal advice delivered to business heads/executives in various parts of the world. Many jurisdictions do not recognize the attorney-client privilege, making legal advice rendered subject to disclosure/discovery. Our panel will explore the basis for the attorney-client privilege, where it does/does not exist, and how to intermarry the lack of attorney-client privilege with the way a practitioner delivers advice of counsel in an international business environment and manages litigation/discovery issues that arise.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses possible implications resulting from a company employing a worker remotely in a different state. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the Employment & Labor Law ACC Network.
In this multi-jurisdictional guide, explore an overview of key legal issues, rules and developments regarding tax rulings across a range of jurisdictions, including information on taxpayer’s rights, and the limitation and revocation of rulings.
What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganisations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent?
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
This supplement includes articles concerning cross-border relations, M&A in Canada 2006 year in review, and insights from Dan McCarty, CLO for Imperial Tobacco Canada.
This guide highlights the fact that there is currently significant variation in pension provision throughout Europe, suggesting homogenisation, for the moment at least, remains some distance away.
ACC Australia's profiles of women in-house counsel celebrates and showcases their extraordinary journeys. In this article, our members share their personal and professional growth, challenges they faced, and "advice to their younger self", learning from growing.
Based on responses from over 1,300 in-house counsel in 41 countries, the ACC Chief Legal Officer 2016 Survey offers legal departments, law firms, and other legal industry partners insight on the practices, trends and changes in the role of the CLO. The 2016 report examines how CLOs source work in-house, to law firms and legal service providers. In addition, the report highlights plans and historical trends in hiring, staffing and budgeting. Notable findings include what keeps CLOs up at night, how they view the future of departmental budgets and staffing, where they plan to grow their departments, and where data breaches and regulatory issues have the greatest impact.
This article discusses the rules of cartels, antitrust enforcement, leniency programs, and how to assess whether you are in a high-risk industry. Learn how to manage an internal cartel investigation and limit your exposure in case antitrust authorities accuse your company of participating in a cartel.
Merger review at the US antitrust agencies considers, as the 2010 Merger Guidelines put it, “any reasonably available and reliable evidence.”
This is a sample joint venture agreement in which the members agree to form a limited liability company.
It's important for lawyers new to in-house to recognize that corporate executives may assume that you are an authority on data security and privacy or, that you "have it covered." And yet, if you are like many in-house counsel, your expertise may lie solely in litigation, labor law, or transaction areas. This article gives you the basics on data security.
In her latest Lead the Way column, Whitnie Wiley discusses the fears we encounter along the journey of leadership.
The author reminisces on childhood magic tricks and how that relates to implied warranties (and the "magic" words to block such warranties) in commercial transactions.
This article examines the model shift the legal industry is going through with regard to LPO.
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