Senior executives today move freely from team to team. Talent moves quickly, jumping across companies and across industry lines. And we should not be shocked.
Seven lawyer interview questions to pose to make sure that the interviewee has the skills, experience, and character traits that fit your needs.
Read this article and learn which terms to avoid when freshening up your resume.
There's a growing demand for bi-lingual lawyers. Read this article to see how the need for lawyers fluent in Spanish and Chinese is being addressed.
Being an in-house attorney is a lot like being a parent. Parenting skills are of greatest use to in-house counsel
when it comes to saying “no.” Or more accurately, the trick is getting your client to say “no.”
In Richard Susskind's latest book The End of Lawyers? Rethinking the Nature of Legal Services, he develops his theory that the new information age will ultimately render lawyers obsolete. This article analyzes and critiques this premise from the perspective of in-house counsel.
There is a good reason to consider a lawyer as CEO, but it has nothing to do with litigation or regulation. Boards may be looking beyond an MBA because the real world presents them with a challenge that classic business training has yet to fully comprehend: emotional uncertainty.
Discusses the Akzo decision and its effect on communications between in-house lawyers and their business clients.
To prevent losing legal professionals to competitors, here are three major factors that affect retention rates and tips on what you can do to help your best people want to stay with your firm.
If you sense low morale and high anxiety among your staff, take action before the problems spiral out of control. This article contains some legal practice management steps you can take.
Learn ways to promote better time management in your legal department.
This article contains three trends that are having an impact on today’s law offices — and legal careers.
Counterparty risk is an inevitable component of any financial transaction. Organizations faced with a financially distressed debtor are wise to have defenses in place before issues arise. With proper protection in place, those organizations also have the opportunity to capitalize on the distress of the debtor. Arm yourself with the weapons that your organization will need to protect itself when dealing with an insolvent or bankrupt corporate group, as well as deal protection measures to consider when managing distressed merger and acquisition transactions in an international context.
How has the Great Recession permanently changed the perceptions of multiple generations about the workplace? How has it rearranged their priorities and goals for their professional lives? This panel discussion will address the most notable changes in the workplace -- and corporate legal departments -- in the wake of the recession and lessons learned by both employees and employers. Using an interactive approach with the audience and role-plays, our panelists also will explore generational behaviors and gaps in the workplace, myths vs. reality, and will provide legal managers with timely advice to help them manage, motivate and retain talented employee teams of all generations, both now and in the future.
This checklist includes ten considerations derived from the U.S. Keystone XL case, regarding seeking U.S. government approval of a cross-border pipeline.
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Using the book "Why Nations Fail" as a model, this column applies economic theory to the corporate world.
The value of an in-house attorney is not easily measured. We can count a reduction in fees or litigation expenses, but anyone who works in-house knows these figures do not reflect the true contribution of having an attorney in the business. We bring an intangible value that is difficult to calculate.
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This article lends suggestions on how to properly address and motivate different generations of workers.
This sample provides three steps with conducting an exit interview.
In today’s technology-driven workplace, it would seem that multitasking is an expected way to work, and it probably wouldn’t be acceptable to your boss if you refused to do it entirely. But before you add another iron to the fire, consider these suggestions for what to do instead.
Tips on how to increase your employee retention rates.
To social psychologists, cognitive dissonance occurs when a person has two conflicting ideas or beliefs, neither of which she can easily set aside. So instead of disavowing one cognition, she creates a belief that satisfies both, no matter how absurd. As in-house attorneys, however, we are expected to offer objective counsel and guidance. Recognizing cognitive dissonance is necessary to do our job.
Election Marketing is the age-old technique of “attack spin.” Unfortunately, some attorneys think Election Marketing works in corporate disputes as well. But long-term, Election Marketing does not work in the business world. And there are two fundamental
reasons why.
Your job is to present legal options to your client and guide him to the right decision. To do that job well, however,
you must recognize the force of ambiguity aversion. You have the perspective to choose the best path and discount the effects of uncertainty, but your client likely sees the matter with far greater trepidation.
This article covers the most important reasons for having a succession plan.
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