Understand the implications of the Brexit agreement of December 24, 2020 between the United Kingdom and the European Union.
An insurance policy for workers compensation insurance, employers liability insurance, other states insurance, and the employer's duties if injury occurs/
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a Q&A which gives a high level overview of the key practical issues including the level of activity and recent trends in the Australian market.
Sample form representative of an immigration P-1 support letter for a professional golfer. This resource is to be viewed together with the <a href="http://www.acc.com/legalresources/resource.cfm?show=1354336">"Sample P-1 forms for Golfer."</a>
The purpose of this ACC guide (InfoPAK) is to provide a summary of law governing covenants not to compete in each US state. It is organized by state and discusses the most important factors to consider when drafting a covenant not to compete, including guidance regarding commonly-occurring contract issues, and factors courts consider when analyzing a covenant not to compete.
This InfoPAKSM is organized by state and discusses the most important factors to consider when drafting a covenant not to compete.
This is a sample company employment handbook.
Briefly cover the main employment issues and regulations you need to keep in mind; Discuss the basics of addressing employment issues such as ADA and accommodation, overtime pay, FLSA classification compliance and leave, and training staff on key employment issues; and Cover emerging issues such as social media, diversity programs, genetic information discrimination, class action waivers and more.
This is a sample HIPAA policy and procedure document for organizations to give to employees.
An underwriting agreement of a sale of stock of a Chinese/Taiwanese corporation to several U.S. underwriters.
The aim of this study was to determine how new technologies have taken hold, where such technologies are going, and how such technologies may impact M&A in the coming years.
Many have discussed the topic of selecting and retaining quality outside counsel, especially as it relates to efficient litigation. Here, the author explores this topic, with a focus on the law firm qualities that in-house attorneys should be looking for during this process.
Discusses ACC's response to and position on the FAS 5 Exposure Draft, and what proposed amendments to the FAS 5 ACC has put forth.
This article summarizes the new Hong Kong National Security Law, so corporations may understand it better and comply with the provisions of the legislation. It also compares the provisions of this law with equivalent legislation in the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK), Australia, and Singapore, and also provides additional recommendations and considerations for corporate compliance.
A trust is an arrangement whereby a third party (trustee) is entrusted with assets given over by a person who establishes the trust (settlor or contributor) for the trustee to manage and distribute for the benefit of specified beneficiaries (or sometimes specified purposes). This article will help explain developments of that structure in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Guidance on mergers and acquisitions in Portugal. Includes warnings when dealing with M&A's, recent developments, and legal analysis of the underlying law.
This guide discusses the economic and financial framework, foreign investments incentives, formation of corporations, limited liability companies, branch offices, labor laws, taxes, immigration laws, distributors, dealers and agents in Paraguay.
This webcast provides listeners with an understanding of the significance of trade unions and work councils in Europe, and an overview of the influence and legislative practice that affects trade unions and work councils and therefore employers in European countries.
This Administrative Agreement ("Agreement") is made between the United States Environmental Protection Agency "EPA''). acting as lead federal agency, and: BP p.l.c.; BP America, Inc. ("BPA"); BP Exploration and Production Inc. (''BPXP"); BP Products North America. Inc. ("BPPNA"); BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc. ("BPXA"); and other BP Group Entities.
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