ACC Comments to Wisconsin re: pro bono
This is a sample form of unsecured convertible promissory note where the company is Nevada based.
This is a sample personal guaranty and suretyship agreement.
This is a sample general Guarantee agreement between companies based in Delaware, New York and Utah.
This is a sample software license agreement.
What do you do when your receptionist pierces her nose? When your sales associate has a sleeve tattoo that can't be covered up by clothing? When your male customer service representative announces that he is transitioning and wants to use the women's restroom? Or when an applicant for a wait staff position shows up for the interview wearing a hijab? Welcome to the brave new workplace, where an employer's right to regulate an employee's appearance and behavior with dress and appearance codes, restroom access rules, and other standards of conduct may conflict with a variety of employment law statutes. A panel of employment law experts will explore this rapidly evolving area of the law with insights into recent court cases, what federal and state agencies are doing in this area, and practical advice to help in-house counsel manage their workplaces within the law.
The session will cover important recent US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) developments since the 2015 ACC Annual Meeting. The program will review significant enforcement actions and trends as well as recent SEC developments related to the Volcker Rule, shareholder proposals, and the rule for pay ratio disclosure. This program will also examine those sections of the Dodd-Frank Act that matter most to corporate and securities lawyers in their day-to-day practices, including providing advice to management and board members. The session will review the network of regulations that have been adopted pursuant to those sections and report on the status of regulations not yet adopted by the SEC. This will be a fast-moving program; come equipped with a working knowledge of the Securities Exchange Acts of 1933 and 1934.
This program will feature a roundtable discussion focusing on how to measure the effectiveness of the law department’s litigation spend and capture value. This presentation will give an inside look into how value-based decisions are evaluated (including metrics) and how they can affect a case. How do you evaluate your alternatives in conducting e-discovery, and how do you make it more efficient? Topics include in-sourcing vs. outsourcing and predictive coding.
This is a sample secured promissory note.
This is a sample secured promissory note where the borrower pledges shares of stock in the company as collateral.
This program will review lessons learned in international litigation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) with a focus on Mexico. Most multinational corporations now have significant operations located in Mexico and, despite the business’s best efforts, may unfortunately find themselves embroiled in a legal dispute there. We will review the applicable legal recommendations for arbitration, mediation and litigation, including issues such as law firm selection, supervision of Mexican litigation, expected time frames for resolution, discovery, substantive and procedural concerns, institutional arbitration options, enforcement issues, etc. In-house counsel with experience in Mexican disputes will offer their insights and recommendations based on their experiences in-country.
It was customary for the employer to terminate the employment contract after two years of illness.
This article points out the disadvantage of terminating a contract by electronic means in the Netherlands.
Learn more about the distinction of being a tenured residential and retail tenant and one without an agreement.
Faced with looming sanctions and hefty fines, in-house counsel should carefully review the new Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provisions in order to maintain a commitment to compliance.
The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (“DSIT”) in March 2023 published the Data Protection and Digital Information (No 2) Bill (“DPDI2”). DPDI2 aims to make a number of changes to the UK data protection regime.
This article discusses what this change actually means for business, both financially and legally.
This whitepaper developed by Exterro focuses on the responsibilities and requirements of basic principles of data privacy and how they can differ significantly across various jurisdictions as more and more states pass laws, and more and more regulations go into effect.
Learn practical suggestions for making smart hires for your legal department.
In-house lawyers are always searching for opportunities to streamline a process. Often, a streamlined process equates to efficiencies within the legal department and higher productivity of the in-house lawyers and paralegals. Read this article to find out more.
This is a sample form for self certification of the EU-US privacy shield
Mexico has many trusts that were created for foreigners to acquire and own real estate in the restricted zone (a strip of 50 kilometers – approximately 31 miles – along the coast, or 100 kilometers – approximately 62 miles – from the border). This article explains the process through which a foreigner names the person or persons who will replace him or her as trust beneficiary in the event of death.
A member-submitted memorandum drafted to provide a non-profit organization's legal department a CASL overview.
A conversion of a legal entity into another legal form may offer advantages, such as more opportunities for raising capital or expansion or more opportunities for commercial operations.
This resource contains 51 key questions to ask when polling your clients about their satisfaction with outside counsel.
The purpose of the probationary period is for the employer and employee to get to know each other better before being bound to each other. During the probationary period, both the employer and the employee can terminate the employment contract.
Helpful tips to consider before you begin negotiations.
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