In the modern digital age, the possibility of a data breach is an imminent threat to a company’s cybersecurity. To combat this, in-house counsel must help inform and engage the board regarding the most effective data protection practices to mitigate risk. By preparing for the inevitability of a data breach, in-house counsel can work symbiotically with the board to make sure that their company is organized and well protected.
By tapping into useful advancements in data analytics, general counsel can determine powerful metrics that better protect corporate revenue. While many law departments see data analytics as a tool to control costs, they are also effective avenues to push productivity. Through the discussion of contract management, litigation, and intellectual property, this article urges general counsel to start thinking like a business unit and adapt new cutting-edge technological strategies.<br />
While the United States has been a pioneer in environmental protection laws since the Nixon era, one piece of legislation — known as the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) — has notoriously failed to serve its purpose. In an attempt to catch up to regulation advancements in the European Union, US state and federal governments have attempted to fill the gap created by TSCA by implementing more effective legislation.
Recent legislation has raised the bar on the criteria required to seal documents. Here’s what to expect.
Recent global regulatory changes have resulted in sanctions and litigation arising from violations of individuals’ data privacy rights due to mishandlings of data requests. Apart from the standard data privacy control of one’s organizational data, similar data privacy processes and considerations should be applied when responding to data requests.
Report addressing multi-jurisdictional practice issues such as reciprocal admission and pro hac vice rules.
The Purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the rights and obligations of the Parties with respect to the exchange, protection, and disclosure of Proprietary Information, as defined in paragraph 5 of this Agreement, which may be disclosed by one Party to the other in their meetings, discussions, and/or submittals concerning the Business Purpose.
The Covid-19 health crisis has affected the way businesses operate around the world. In this article, in-house counsel can learn more about the impact to Australian and New Zealand foreign investments, commercial real estate and subsidies for employees. This resource was published by Meritas in April 2020.
Selected cases and materials related to attorneys' fees and costs.
This is a Department of Justice press release about a relevant case.
A guide to going public in the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX Venture, including listing procedures, listing methods, and required documents.
This article focuses on core types of intellectual property frequently used on a global basis.
This Consent Order is based on the agreement of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”), and General Motors Company (“GM”) to resolve claims associated with NHTSA’s Timeliness Query TQ14-001.
Sample Sales Agent Agreement between a company and a sales agent, setting out the limits of an agent's authority and its responsibilities with regard to company policies. The sample includes sample terms of resale/distribution, and a sample disclosure statement by the sales agent.
The purpose of this brief note is to help market participants make contingency plans where the political crisis involving Ukraine results in sanctions and embargoes, exchange controls, expropriations and the break up of Ukraine. It focuses in particular on the legal impact these events might have on financial contracts, such as bond issues, bank loan agreements, deposits and investments. It does not deal with wider political and economic consequences, such as the impact on a country’s economy and its banking system.
Cybersecurity touches every aspect of global consumer and corporate culture today. Preventing, preparing for, and responding to data breaches in real time is a chief concern for individuals, corporate leaders, and government regulators. Download the 2018 ACC Foundation: the State of Cybersecurity Report, underwritten by Ballard Spahr LLP, and learn what more than 600 corporate counsel say about their cybersecurity experiences, role, and practices.
The content of this handout supplements the course materials on the drafting of dispute resolution clauses.
Although each international M&A is unique, in-house counsel can successfully handle any global transaction by thoughtfully developing a cross-border acquisition strategy.
Retirement isn't as simple as flipping a switch. As with any major life decision, planning for a successful retirement takes time, effort, and commitment. Retirement doesn't necessarily preclude all work, however. This guide presents the stories of two lawyers who put thought into their transition and were able to stay busy and intellectually stimulated.
Hate it or love it, employ it or avoid it, the billable hour has been the primary expensing tool used in the industry. In often variable and unpredictable litigation matters, it seems to be the only practical option to recoup charges - or is it?
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