This is a sample company blogging and comment policy.
What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganisations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent?
This is a sample company employee handbook.
This is a sample company employment handbook.
There is reason to question whether increased shareholder influence on matters that the law has traditionally apportioned to the board is at the expense of other values that are key to the sustainability of healthy corporations. These concerns underlie the issues that will define the state of governance in 2015 and likely beyond.
The changing landscape of the American legal profession brings with it an ever-evolving set of concerns for attorneys and their employers. Over the past three decades increased lawyer mobility and the growing trend towards moving legal work in-house has fueled ethical and business-related concerns. These concerns include the need for confidentiality, the protection of intellectual property and other proprietary information, the potential for economic harm to the employer and the individual attorney respectively, and the increased potential for conflicts of interest. As a result, the past decades have also seen a marked increase in the use of anticompetitive covenants and consequently litigation related to anticompetitive covenants. This article attempts to predict the final outcome of the legal status of non-compete agreements as applied to in-house counsel.
Learn the importance of your focus as in-house counsel – it’s not just on getting those pleadings filed, but also implementing litigation holds, managing outside counsel, conducting investigations, analyzing your position, determining strategy and much more.
This is a sample working table for principles in Processor Binding Corporate Rules.
This is a sample performance graph services contract.
Our first wave of subpoenas has gone out, with several served on nonparty competitors. And the first response... is a threat to impose sanctions and costs on us? But we have a right to discovery of relevant information! How can we be made to pay for their costs and attorneys' fees? Let me see: Cost-shifting is what they call it -- and we may find ourselves on the wrong side of this issue.
The brief article explores how Kilby v CVS Pharmacy clarifies the California Industrial Welfare Commission's industry standard for suitable seating provided in the workplace.
This article will provide an overview of the advantages of using consumer contract waivers, a summary of the relevant law, including recent Supreme Court decisions, and some thoughts on the continued viability of blanket arbitration clauses and class action waivers.
This article speaks to improve Boards’ gender diversity by refining succession processes.
This article explores key client questions and concepts of value when an attorney changes law firms.
On 25 June 2013, the German Federal Cartel Office released new fining Guidelines for competition law infringements. The new fining Guidelines implement the German Federal Court of Justice’s recent decision, in which it overturned the current interpretation of Section 81(4), subsection 2 of the German Act Against Restraints of Competition (GWB) as the applicable 10% “cap” on the total amount of fines linked to consolidated worldwide turnover. The Court reinterpreted the 10% turnover threshold, instead, as the maximum level of a “range” within which fines could be set.
305 A View from the Top: CEOs Forecast Their Vision & Plans for In-house Counsel
Testimony presented Linda Madrid on March 17, 2004
A Model Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement that includes provisions for assurances, representations and warranties, and controlling law.
A presentation on leadership skills for new general counsel and managing attorneys.
Ten helpful lessons you can learn from the recent data breach incident Target fell victim to.
Demonstrate your individual commitment to diversity and inclusion by completing at least five action items on this checklist during the year. To the extent possible, we ask them to select at least one action item in each of the three categories.
Every year ACC conducts a CLO survey in conjunction with its Annual Meeting. The 2006 Chief Legal Officer Survey showed some interesting trends and underscored what we already know—that our jobs are
becoming more complicated. In addition to CLO resources, ACC also has gathered
information and advice for new to in-house lawyers, legal specialists, and law department managers. ACC is committed to focusing on the evolving needs of lawyers at all stages of their career.
This Checklist outlines a few key items that independent contractors can provide the company to show the that relationship is classified correctly and avoid misclassification of workers, which may result in significant liability to the employer.
In this increasingly connected world, an international cyberattack is no longer a possibility but an inevitability. The difference between success and catastrophe in defending against international cyberattacks comes down to not just preventing them, but responding quickly and appropriately when one does occur. In-house counsel must be prepared to work with internal clients to anticipate potential consequences of an international cyberattack, mitigate the risks of an attack, and implement an agreed strategy that effectively deals with the business and legal risks. This session will give in-house counsel the tools to have constructive conversations with their company's business leaders and technical teams to ensure that their program for dealing with international cyberattacks fits the needs of the company and the customers it serves and addresses the company's legal obligations relating to the attack.
Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL) received Royal Assent in December 2010, and it is just a matter of time before it comes into force. CASL is designed to be one of the most stringent anti-spam regimes in the world and is intended to address the problem of spam, unauthorized interception of electronic messages and installation of software on a user’s computer without consent. Accordingly, all businesses that regularly communicate with Canadian customers and suppliers electronically will be significantly impacted. This extends from electronic messages, text messages, instant messages and social media through to software installation, automatic updates, software support and maintenance services. Businesses that do not comply with CASL’s requirements may be subject to both administrative monetary penalties and private law suits. This session is intended to help business prepare in advance by providing highlights of CASL, particularly areas that directly impact businesses, and address issues that corporate counsel should be aware of to ensure compliance.
Read Laura Stein's first Chair's Message in ACC Docket on mentoring, grooming, and fostering good relationships in your in-house legal department.
This article is a report on a survey on corporate responsibility.
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