Discusses impairments covered under the ADA and ADA compliance after Supreme Court cases.
This is a sample software license and support agreement.
In the current political and regulatory environment, government oversight and enforcement activities are increasing rapidly; internal and external scrutiny over corporate and accounting practices is at an all-time high. Prompt and thorough internal investigations of allegations of mismanagement and potential misconduct are critical to respond to a governmental investigation or threatened litigation. Panelists will discuss assessing the risks of fraud and the consequences of doing nothing, benefits of comprehensive investigations, effective investigative techniques and how to undertake necessary and appropriate remedial efforts to manage results of investigations at organizations of varying size.
This guide by Latham & Watkins and KPMG is designed to provide a roadmap to help navigate the financial statement requirements of US federal securities laws.
In this Quick Overview, explore and learn more about social media and the impact it might have on your business. The rise of "#" campaigns can lead to unexpected consequences for companies, and their legal departments, who aren't being proactive.
This brief article discusses employee wellness programs which are aimed at encouraging employees to take preventative measures to control illnesses and unhealthy behavior in an attempt to manage the burgeoning cost of health care, reduce absenteeism, and improve morale.
This article discusses key processes, issues and tips regarding employment litigation in several jurisdictions around the world.
When your company is involved in an M&A transaction, it is easy to focus on the typical labor issues that come about, like collective bargaining agreements, pensions,and the WARN Act. However, in-house counsel need to concern themselves with the impact that coemployment can have on the transaction, considering the fact that leased employees are not normally regarded as "employees" during the M&A process.
This article shows how to maximize protections of attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine in internal investigations and audits.
This article is about Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigations: challenges and strategies for white collar attorneys and their clients.
ACC Amicus Brief - Sheppard v. J-M
This “Guide” is not meant to be an exhaustive analysis of the return-to-the-office situation post-Covid; rather, it should be used as a starting point for employers to create or update their policies and practices in conjunction with a thorough analysis of all applicable laws, ordinances, and guidance.
In a post-Sarbanes-Oxley world, in-house counsel of public (and private) companies have reason to worry that the SEC might turn its attention to their clients. The SEC is funded to take action; its budget for enforcement has increased exponentially in recent years. What happens if your company becomes the subject of an SEC investigation? How do you respond appropriately? This article will set forth some practical steps in-house counsel should consider in the event that her company receives notice that it is under SEC scrutiny.
605 - In-house Response to Auditors' Requests for Information: Does This System (Still) Work?
This publication provides insights into trends in SEC staff comment letters issued during the year ended 30 June 2015 in the United States.
The employment relationship is a complex, rapidly changing area of the law. This survey program will cover the basics such as investigating internal complaints, responding to government investigations, addressing ADA and accommodation issues, managing overtime pay and FLSA classification compliance, handling leave issues, and avoiding retaliation claims. The course will also cover emerging issues such as social media, diversity programs, genetic information discrimination, and class action waivers.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) makes dramatic changes to benefit programs and creates new notification requirements for employer plans during open enrollment. Many ACA changes took effect on the first plan year on or after September 23, 2010, while others become effective in subsequent plan years. This checklist will help employers navigate through this process.
When you respond to a federal or state agency's request for proposals, you are creating opportunity for your company. You will, however, need to disclose sensitive intellectual property information at times, including trade secrets. But there are ways to safeguard your corporate confidentiality without compromising the success of your government contract.
The new millennium has ushered in an era of lighting fast communication and commerce. As in-house counsel work to protect their most valuable asset - their company's intellectual property - there are new elements to consider when thwarting competitors' ability to use your top-secret information to their advantage. Are restrictive covenants the solution?
As hiring outside contractors becomes a more popular alternative to onsite employment, worksite losses because of contractor incompetence have risen substantially. Does your company carry its contractor’s liability? Before disaster strikes, learn which contractual provisions and preventative measures serve to better protect your client’s interests.
This is an Outside Counsel Master Services Agreement.
Derivatives, or contracts based on the value of something else, have been receiving a lot of publicity, particularly with regard to their alleged abuse. This article sheds light on the many uses of derivatives, including their role in risk management. Learn more about derivatives, including how new regulation has affected their function.
Negotiating a contract is a hybrid legal and business function that is often performed by business people with no formal legal education. During contract negotiations, different rules and obligations apply to a lawyer depending on whether the party on the other side of the table is represented by counsel. Learn about these rules so as not to be caught on the wrong end of a deal.
Without complicated stimulus bills or other governmental prodding of their economies, China and India stand to become the collective antithesis of American recession. How will their free markets play a part in the rebuilding of global finance? Readers of this article will better understand the present and predicted standings of these potential powerhouses.
In-house counsel who performs intellectual property (IP) acquisitions can add significant value to their clients. Learn a systematic, straightforward approach to IP due diligence that examines all actual and potential forms of IP in any possible country or jurisdiction.
In the midst of a regulatory environment in which executives face personal liability for corporate wrongdoing, some business strategists advocate a new theoretical roadmap for the legal department to assess and manage risk.
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