Todd Silberman provides advice for general counsel that are just getting started ... or starting over again. (Global)
The author discusses one of the worst maritime disasters of the early 20th century to teach a lesson about bureaucratic organizations and good intentions.
As ACC's CEO Veta T. Richardson looks back on 2016, she imparts a few words of wisdom to start the new year on an optimistic yet practical note.
This short article introduces approaches to management and leadership, and argues that a change in strategy may lead to better results.
Discusses how to model the unpredictable behavior of your colleagues and find ways to measure and influence it in a manner that effectively reduces your company's ethical and legal risks.
A sample engagement letter from outside counsel.
There is reason to question whether increased shareholder influence on matters that the law has traditionally apportioned to the board is at the expense of other values that are key to the sustainability of healthy corporations. These concerns underlie the issues that will define the state of governance in 2015 and likely beyond.
"Going green" is a hot topic and growing trend in today’s society. However, most people are not clear on what "going green" actually means. This program will address what it means for a corporation to "go green" in several representative sectors. Faculty will use case studies to show how companies have successfully invested in sustainability, built trust through increased transparency with customers, and created a healthier work environment and surrounding community. Case studies of investments that have not paid off, and the perils of green washing, will also be discussed.
A review of the law related to production-sharing contracts between the Brazilian government and private companies.
305 A View from the Top: CEOs Forecast Their Vision & Plans for In-house Counsel
An agreement between a consultant and a Dutch company governed by the laws of California. The term of consultancy is two years unless otherwise agreed by the parties. Also includes compensation, expenses and allowances, and termination provisions, among others.
This is a sample consultant services agreement between a company an consultant.
A presentation on leadership skills for new general counsel and managing attorneys.
Employment discrimination got you all mixed up? Here we present two, real life cases both filed by former employees terminated for poor performance near the same time and defended by the same counsel. See how even though both cases resulted in total victory for the employer, the different approaches of arbitration and litigation made one short and sweet and the other long and complicated.
Dealing effectively with a crisis requires organizational readiness for almost any eventuality. This program will promote preparedness, enhanced decision-making and institutional integrity. Using polling devices, attendees will navigate their way through a number of crisis scenarios, focusing on the role of in-house counsel. The session will highlight best practices in crisis management planning, assembling the crisis management team, stakeholder relations, fact-finding and internal investigations, preserving evidence, communication and litigation in multiple jurisdictions. The scenarios will also address the tensions that sometimes exist between “business” and “legal.” Panelists, including a crisis management expert, will offer their perspectives as we work through each scenario. You will receive access to sample crisis management protocol documents that you can then customize. The presentation will cover MRPC 1.13, 1.1, MRCP 3 and sub-rules for ethics credit.
Includes a memorandum describing the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration and sample arbitration clauses.
This is a sample company anti-corruption policy.
Columnist Bob Feldman uses a Delaware Supreme Court case to analyze the importance of time when drafting contracts.
This is a sample OSHA violation complaint.
Todd Silberman compares learning martial arts to functioning as a small law department practitioner.
Provides an overview of the legal and regulatory regimes in Russia and Former Soviet states related to joint ventures.
This is a sample Software Development Kit license agreement.
This is a sample bribery and anti-corruption policy and program.
This is a sample employment agreement between the company and the executive.
In this presentation the presenter exposes the factors in-house counsel should consider when deciding to opt for arbitration vs. litigation or vice-versa.
Versata Software Inc. prepared the ground for what may be regarded a set of landmark cases concerning the interpretation and consequences of the breach of certain GPL v. 2 conditions, when it sued Ameriprise Financial Services for allegedly violating a Master License Agreement (MLA) over the use of Versata´s Distribution Channel Management software (DCM).
ACC interviews Jack Erkilla, senior vice president, deputy general counsel, and secretary for OneMain Holidngs, on his role as chair of the Employment and Labor Law Committee.
The author discusses how the role of in-house counsel is essentially a service-based profession, and how the right attitude can make all the difference.
Provides guidance on the intricacies of how employers in Europe must work with trade unions and works councils, including the role that these labor organizations play in business enterprises in Europe, and includes methods by which companies doing business in Europe-or contemplating starting operations in Europe-can best work with the unions and works councils in order to reach their goals.
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