Participants will go through a post-merger integration exercise and will have to provide inputs/responses for the Board. Naming and branding issues, earn-outs, subsidiaries management, employee relations, accounting and financial reporting…keep that due diligence report handy!
This is a sample sales representative agreement between a company and a sales agent, for the sale of the company's telecom products.
The Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) Authority has recently issue new company regulations. These new regulations provide more clarity and flexibility for businesses wishing to conduct business in and from the DMCC.
A cooperation agreement among a company in Singapore and a university hospital to undertake a research and study program. Includes an exhibit of the study program.
The conversation begun last year (ACCA Docket, March/April 1997, page 49) between Nathan S. Ide, general counsel for Federated Overseas Operations Logistics, Inc. (FOOLS, Inc.) and Oliver, Wendell & Holmes, outside counsel for FOOLS, Inc., continues as FOOLS seeks to expand business to the Pacific Rim.
Corporate Group Structures - presentation held in Sydney 4 May 2017.
Commercial Contract Series: Structuring cloud content - presentation held in Sydney 12 September 2017.
A survey of corporate counsel in their role as a risk manager. Includes impact of Sarbanes-Oxley, whistleblower policies and improving relations with other officers and directors.
With the increasing penetration of technology, companies have seen a huge increase in the number of contracts they must draft, negotiate and manage. Many companies lack strong processes to manage this large number of contracts, a problem that is exacerbated when companies acquire contracts through mergers and acquisition activity. Gain practical advice on how to boost efficiency and manage contracts from draft creation through negotiation, execution, amendment and renewal. The session will also discuss using playbooks to maximize value, time and experience of in-house attorneys, mapping existing workflows to determine how to make them more efficient, resource allocation—what tasks should attorneys do and what tasks should non-attorneys do, implementing more efficient processes—piloting and knowledge transfer, using contract management software for process and knowledge management and selecting third-party vendors to help manage these processes.
This is a sample purchase order terms of agreement.
This is a sample contract of lease agreement specifically for the Philippines.
At the Association of Corporate Counsel’s Advanced Compliance Education Summit (ACES) in New Orleans, in-house attorneys participated in a dynamic and interactive tabletop exercise designed to foster collaboration and innovative problem solving.
The Singapore government is proposing a new section 105A to the Land Titles Act (LTA) that specifically empowers the courts to vary or extinguish easements over registered land in certain additional circumstances. When passed, section 105A will have a significant impact on the law of easements in Singapore.
An agreement securing the services of a non-executive, independent director to serve on the Board of Directors. Includes provisions regarding appointment, term of agreement, duites, liability, indemnification, compensation and reimbursement, effect of limitation, termination, notice, confidentiality, governing law, dispute settlement, and other considerations.
This article examines the legal framework relating to marginal fields in Nigeria, as well as issues to consider when investing in marginal fields.
On 11 February 2014, the Council of the European Union unanimously adopted the new EU public procurement regime which had been approved by the European Parliament on 15 January 2014. Read more about these directives here.
This article discusses the 17 March 2014 sanctions imposed on certain Russian nationals by the European Union and how these can impact business with corporations related to the affected individuals.
Schoenefeld Amicus Brief
Due to the global pandemic, organizations are facing tough choices as to how they approach in-person events. In this article, in-house counsel will learn about strategies and force majure clauses that help them safeguard their future events. This article was originally published in March 2020.
Unfair Contract Term Laws and how they impact on your business - presentation held in Tasmania 1 February 2017.
This checklist is intended to be a useful informative tool to help the buyer company identify potential issues and liabilities associated with the target company’s benefit plans so that those issues and liabilities can be effectively managed, minimized or eliminated. However, each acquisition is unique and will require an individualized assessment. This checklist is a starting point and guide in conducting such an assessment.
This article, developed by Latham & Watkins, covers the new regulatory requirements the US government has been implementing around notifications and disclosures of major cyberattacks and incidents.
This is a sample sublease agreement between Sublessor and Subtenant.
This is a sample corporate code of conduct policy.
This program will explore the best practices for companies that manage vendors and cybersecurity concerns. Some of the significant questions to be addressed include: What are some best practices for vendor due diligence? How can vendor cybersecurity risks be addressed and mitigated, both contractually and otherwise? What role, if any, should in-house counsel have in vendor management?
This is a sample non-compete agreement between a buyer and seller.
In this Quick Overview, explore and learn more about social media and the impact it might have on your business. The rise of "#" campaigns can lead to unexpected consequences for companies, and their legal departments, who aren't being proactive.
This Quick Overview addresses how Bankability, or the ability to obtain banks' funding, can be a life or death sentence for any transaction requiring borrowed funds in Canada and the United States.
This Quick Overview (i) gives a brief explanation of Agile, (ii) contrasts one particular Agile methodology - "Scrums" - with traditional "waterfall" development, and (iii) highlights some issues for lawyers drafting Agile contracts. These techniques and organizational methods can be used around the world.
The policy conclusions expressed in this report address the mechanisms of public corporation governance in the United States, with particular emphasis on the role of lawyers. The aim of the report was to examine public corporation governance mechanisms to determine how they might be modified in ways that would enhance corporate responsibility.
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