This article provide relevant information and practice tips to in-house counsel about President Biden's October 2023 executive order on artificial intelligence.
This sample whistleblower policy encourages staff and volunteers to come forward with credible information on illegal practices or serious violations of adopted policies of the organization; specifies that the organization will protect the person from retaliation; and identifies where such information can be reported.
To access the other sample governance policies referred to in this cover letter, visit the following URLs:
-Conflict of Interest Policy:
-Document Retention and Destruction Policy:
-Policy on the Process for Determining Compensation:
-Joint Venture Policy:
You may not know it, but intellectual property considerations and implications are everywhere in your company. And if you think you are immune, or it is someone else’s job because you practice real estate, or employment, or tax law, or are a generalist, then think again. Copyright, trademark, licensing, trade secrets, patent matters, and other IP issues can raise their heads almost anywhere. This session will help you identify what these issues look like so that you can respond accordingly. It will also teach you to take the necessary steps to protect valuable corporate assets and not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.
Probability and statistics are two commonly misunderstood concepts. Using ideas and examples from "The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives" by Leonard Mlodinow, the author shows how even in the most simple of scenarios, the probability of outcomes can be grossly miscalculated.
Senior executives today move freely from team to team. Talent moves quickly, jumping across companies and across industry lines. And we should not be shocked.
Sample retention letter for DC law firm with several options for advanced waiver language.
This Document Retention and Destruction Policy identifies the record retention responsibilities of staff, volunteers, members of the Board of Directors, and outsiders for maintaining and documenting the storage and destruction of the Organization’s documents and records.
To access the other sample governance policies referred to in this cover letter, visit the following URLs:
-Conflict of Interest Policy:
-Whistleblower Policy:
-Policy on the Process for Determining Compensation:
-Joint Venture Policy:
This sample policy on the process for determining compensation applies to the compensation of the chief employed executive and other officers or key employees of the organization.
To access the other sample governance policies referred to in this cover letter, visit the following URLs:
-Conflict of Interest Policy:
-Whistleblower Policy:
-Document Retention and Destruction Policy:
-Joint Venture Policy:
For both in-house and outside counsel, being the best lawyer is not always about exhaustive application of legal skills. It may seem counterintuitive to some lawyers, but sometimes less is really more.
Kenneth Cutshaw underscores the importance of LPO in this must-read article.
The author relays a personal experience in order to emphasize the point that young adults should be allowed to experience the full weight of their decisions, instead of having the consequences of their choices mitigated by misguided university policies.
The author discuses the international implications of Dodd-Frank and other multinational investigations on in-house counsel.
This is the second of two columns lightheartedly assessing technologies, measurement tools, and outside counsel management techniques specifically for the people in legal departments.
This sample joint venture policy applies to any joint ownership or contractual arrangement through which there is an agreement to jointly undertake a specific business enterprise, investment, or exempt-purpose activity as further defined in this policy.
To access the other sample governance policies referred to in this cover letter, visit the following URLs:
-Conflict of Interest Policy:
-Whistleblower Policy:
-Document Retention and Destruction Policy:
-Policy on the Process for Determining Compensation:
Australian insurers, brokers and other entities involved at the various stages of insurance claims handling need to consider the impact of the claims handling reform by reviewing all steps in their claims procedures for each relevant insurance product. In this article, the impacts of those reforms are explained.
This article provides an overview of legal requirements of interest to pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies.
Fresh out of law school and ready to take on the world? Have some experience under you belt, but want to move up? Get advice from another young in-house attorney. Discover how best to serve your clients and make a good impression.
Lean Forward...and Beyond
This is a sample development and license agreement.
This article delves into the Consultation Conclusions on Proposed Enhancements to the Open-ended Fund Companies Regime (OFC) and Further Consultation on Customer Due Diligence Requirements, published by Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission. Issued on 2 September 2020, the Consultation Conclusion, the Consultation Conclusion highlights different enhancements to be made to private OFCs.
A checklist of cloud computing with the company as the supplier.
Innovation and the Legal Profession - presentation held in Melbourne 22 March 2017.
The author discusses a case in which clever language determined a court's ruling on the termination payment between two parties under contract.
A review of how recent changes to Brazilian bankruptcy law affect the ability of electric power concessionaires and licensees to address financial problems with judicial reorganization.
This is a sample tuition reimbursement agreement outlining the terms associated with it.
Are you facing the inevitable reality that the world of the paperless legal file is around the corner? Looking for cost-saving opportunities and measurable and quantifiable efficiency and productivity gains? This presentation, applicable to any size legal office will address these opportunities, as well as explore the benefits gained by proactively moving to an electronic legal file environment. Faculty will share their first–hand experiences in how their offices created a document management policy, developed workflow processes to create, scan and save electronic documents, instituted document naming conventions, and secured hardware appropriate for their office needs. Panelists will also describe steps taken to develop and deliver training to all users at different degrees of technology skills levels and to effectively implement the transition. The ethical permissibility, and limitations of electronic file sharing and storage, and considerations when crafting a document retention and destruction policy that is compliant with the applicable. Professional Responsibility Rules will also be explored.
On 6 March 2014 Law no. 12/2014 was published. This Law amends, for the second time, the legal regime of municipal services of public water supply, urban waste water treatment and urban waste management, which was approved by Decree Law no. 194/2009, 20 August, and first amended by Decree-Law no. 92/2010, 26 July.
This report analyzes best-practices shared by general counsel participants during the 2015 Lex Mundi Summit in Amsterdam.
Technology Trends Summary Example
The story of corporate compliance in 2017 is one where large corporations are being increasingly challenged about their conduct. Learn more about the impact this can have on you and your department.
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