If your client’s marketing department is hot to sell advertising spots on your corporation’s brand new website, you need this 12-step program, covering issues from the tax consequences of merchandise sold on the Internet to privacy concerns.
After more than fifty years, Civil Law in Hungary will be completely rewritten by the New Civil Code that will come into effect this year on the 15th of March. Several areas of law that have formerly been regulated in separate acts will now be incorporated into the new Code. These areas of law include family law, company law, as well as the law regarding civic organizations. Critics say that the new law sacrifices too much for dogmatic integrity and disassembles the unity of corporate law by extending current provisions for companies to all legal entities which will result, in many cases, in incomplete, inconsequent or redundant regulation. On the other hand, the concept of the new law is to provide more freedom to contracting parties. The present article seeks to summarize the ten most important matters that will have the largest influence on businesses.
Small legal departments can recruit and retain diverse counsel through simple outreach steps, programs, and websites detailed in this article. Not only can you enrich your department with diversity, but also you can improve your client’s bottom line by bringing new perspectives to the table.
Learn about new European Union guidelines on horizontal cooperation agreements between competing businesses, issued in June 2023.
This North American energy company decided that innovation was needed to be nimbler in the delivery of jurisdictional licensing opinions to its engineers. TC Energy engaged (past Champion) Shook, Hardy & Bacon to design a secure, scalable, easy-to-use online tool that is accessible around-the-clock.
The recent story of two New York attorneys “duped” by ChatGPT into citing “fake” cases in a court submission illustrates some of the risks of using artificial intelligence.
But the attorney missteps in the ChatGPT case are entirely avoidable. And the emergence of generative AI carries extraordinary potential if attorneys can learn to use the technology wisely.
When there's a new in-house counsel added to your team, or you might be the new one, you can follow these top ten suggestions to increase the probability of success in such a transition.
A sample confidentiality and non-competition agreement between a company and a member of the company's board of directors. Parties are Chinese entities. New York law governs the agreement. Includes a non-competition provision, a confidentiality provision, a term provision, and a miscellaneous provision.
This is a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement between a Delaware corporation (the disclosing company) and another company (the receiving company), in preparation of the receiving company's nomination to the board of directors of the disclosing company. The sample includes a clause selecting the laws of the State of New York.
What do you advise your company to do when someone starts a website that airs your company's dirty laundry, true and untrue, in public? In this article, six attorneys identify and debate key issues for you, offering practical tips for responding to anonymous cyber-gripers culled from the latest case law.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted on the Intellectual Property Law eGroup, addresses a Web Developer's Reluctance to Indemnify a Law Firm Against Patent Infringement of Developer's Work Product For the Firm in the United States.
A brief addressing the advancement of attorneys' fees for in-house counsel.
The best reason to get involved in the international legal affairs at your company is to impress your friends. Learn the essential information needed for your new secret identity as Austin Power of Attorney: International In-house Counsel of Mystery.
Canada’s new Anti-Spam Legislation, known as CASL, is one of the strictest in the world. In general, CASL requires consent before sending “commercial electronic messages” and requires that all such messages meet certain form and content requirements. This seems simple, but as always, implementation can be complicated. This article explains the legislation and walks through some real-world scenarios to demonstrate compliance.
This article explains the intricacies of doing business in Europe, especially in the European Union, and the effects of the latest directives regarding ecommerce. The list of handy websites will help you research whatever question you’re facing at the moment regarding doing business in Europe electronically.
Investors planning to perform construction activities on the territory of Belarus have to take into account new conditions for carrying-out these activities in Belarus. This article will discuss the new requirements.
In this quick overview, in-house counsel will learn about different regulations in the new trade agreement, USMCA (United States Mexico Canada Agreement).
Hostage US Director John Schafer, and keynote speaker at ACC and Lex Mundi's "Investing in Africa" event in New York, discusses duty of care and the importance of risk assessments for companies expanding to the continent.
An introduction to the New to In-House Interest Group. The New to In-House Interest Group was formed to provide resources for in-house "newbies" who have transitioned from law firms, government, industry, or law school
This is a sample intellectual property assignment agreement, under which a company assigns the rights, title, and interest in and to trademarks, patents, domain names and intangible assets to another company, in connection with a corporate acquisition. This sample includes a choice of New York law.
Companies using third-party websites to promote growth enjoy many benefits: cheap, effective exposure; real-time consumer feedback and interaction; and relevancy in a changing market. there are risks, however, when marketing to social networks. Avoid the pitfalls and understand the legal issues lurking behind the walls and tweets.
Nearly every company has a website and uses the internet as a means for marketing and selling its products and services. Here's a plan for protecting your company's trademarks and domain names in cyberspace.
This is a sample agreement for a non-transferable, non-assignable, exclusive copyright license agreement, made between a textile and wallpaper company (“Licensee”) and an independent designer (“Licensor”). Provisions include, but are not limited to, license period, royalties, termination, indemnification, sublicenses and assignments. The agreement is governed by the laws of State of New York.
Recent privacy laws stand to offer new protections for consumers and more headaches for those adhering to the compliance requirements. Learn key strategies and tools you can use to better implement the new privacy mandates.
This interactive session will take participants through a case study involving a traditional business trying to compete with a disruptive online competitor. Faculty will guide attendees to identify ways in which the traditional business could use disruptive technology in its own operations and will focus on the legal issues that the traditional business must resolve to migrate to more innovative service offerings. Key issues discussed will include: How can the traditional business learn from its disruptive competitors to become more flexible? What regulatory issues could impact the transformed business? Is the new business proposition lawful? What is the applicable legal framework for the business? How will the traditional business implement the new arrangements (i.e., can the transformation be carried out in-house or will external resources be required)? What will be the key legal challenges in the operation of the transformed business?
This is a sample non-disclosure agreement between two companies where they are willing to provide each other access to certain ideas, concepts, data or other information which in whole or in part is or will be considered by them to be proprietary and confidential. The sample includes a clause selecting the laws of the state of New York.
Section 307 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act establishes new standards of professional conduct for attorneys who appear and practice before the SEC in the representation of a public company. Read this article to learn how you can meet your new obligations.
Learn about China's amended provisions on Foreign-invested Telecom Enterprises (FITE), effective May 2022, and resulting new opportunities.
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