This article focuses on how to pay the “Acquisition Consideration,” the purchase price for the business being acquired, with cash, stock, assumption of debt, a combination, or some other form of payment. Following the discussion are “Deal Points” on important considerations in the purchase or sale of a business: what to do, and what at all costs not to do.
Learn about the effects of California's Broad Pay Transparency law on pay disclosure and pay data requirement in California and similar movements in other states.
Companies using third-party websites to promote growth enjoy many benefits: cheap, effective exposure; real-time consumer feedback and interaction; and relevancy in a changing market. there are risks, however, when marketing to social networks. Avoid the pitfalls and understand the legal issues lurking behind the walls and tweets.
On August 25, 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted Release No. 34-95607 implementing a final rule (Final Rules) that requires covered publicly traded companies to provide both tabular and narrative and/or graphical disclosure of the relationship between executive compensation “actually paid” (as defined) by the company to its named executive officers and the company’s performance over a specified time period (Pay Versus Performance Disclosure). Check out this article to find out where the Pay Versus Performance Disclosure is required to be included and where its not and any other relevant details including key determinations and actions required.
This North American energy company decided that innovation was needed to be nimbler in the delivery of jurisdictional licensing opinions to its engineers. TC Energy engaged (past Champion) Shook, Hardy & Bacon to design a secure, scalable, easy-to-use online tool that is accessible around-the-clock.
This article explains whether private-sector employers are required to acknowledge federal holidays and provide premium holiday pay, it highlights Juneteenth National Independence Day and provides ways for companies to celebrate the holiday, and it summarizes federal contractor holiday pay requirements and religious accommodation obligations. Finally, this article underscores the importance of a holiday pay policy, identifies “do’s and don’ts” for holiday parties, and sets forth public-sector employer holiday pay requirements.
Nearly every company has a website and uses the internet as a means for marketing and selling its products and services. Here's a plan for protecting your company's trademarks and domain names in cyberspace.
Effective January 1, 2023, employers who are hiring in the state of Washington will need to comply with the strictest job posting requirements in the United States. Washington’s newly revised Equal Pay And Opportunity Act now requires employers with 15 or more employees to disclose a pay scale and general description of benefits in each job posting or face claims of at least $5000 per violation. Washington’s agency overseeing the Act recently finalized its Policy to answer many outstanding questions regarding compliance with the new law.
ACC recently spoke with José Juan Méndez Cortés, President of the Asociación Nacional de Abogados de Empresa, Colegio de Abogados (ANADE), Mexico’s association for corporate counsel. An experienced corporate attorney advocate, Lic. Méndez Cortés spoke about the growing importance of corporate counsel in Mexico. For ANADE’s dedicated service to the profession, ACC is proud to call this organization a partner in its shared commitment to serving the needs of all corporate counsel.
O Advogado Digital: Navegando pela Integração de IA em Departamentos Jurídicos (Parte 4)
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted on the Intellectual Property Law eGroup, addresses a Web Developer's Reluctance to Indemnify a Law Firm Against Patent Infringement of Developer's Work Product For the Firm in the United States.
O Advogado Digital: Navegando pela Integração de IA em Departamentos Jurídicos (Parte 1)
Credit funds are increasingly marketed to French insurance companies (entreprises d'assurance). Other similar institutions, such as contingency institutions (institutions de prévoyance) and complementary pension institutions (institutions de retraite complémentaire), also appear as an important source of debt financing. Learn more about this here.
This article explains the intricacies of doing business in Europe, especially in the European Union, and the effects of the latest directives regarding ecommerce. The list of handy websites will help you research whatever question you’re facing at the moment regarding doing business in Europe electronically.
Any company or individual is subject to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA") if it directly or indirectly causes an act or effect in the U.S. in the furtherance of a corrupt payment to a public official. In particular, U.S. parent companies of Mexican subsidiaries can be held liable under the FCPA, if they are found to have directed or been involved in the corrupt activities of their Mexican subsidiaries. This QuickCounsel covers how the FCPA affects how business is conducted in Mexico.
This guide reviews applicable legislation to insolvencies and reorganizations in Peru.
In this quick overview, in-house counsel will learn about different regulations in the new trade agreement, USMCA (United States Mexico Canada Agreement).
This sample shows that employees are personally responsible for the content they publish on social networking websites or any other form of user-generated media.
This Top Ten takes a look at the top ten considerations that operators of sports and entertainment venues should give related to the ADA's requirements.
What do you advise your company to do when someone starts a website that airs your company's dirty laundry, true and untrue, in public? In this article, six attorneys identify and debate key issues for you, offering practical tips for responding to anonymous cyber-gripers culled from the latest case law.
Learn about Conditional Fee Agreements (CFAs) and their introduction in Singapore's Legal Profession (Amendment) Bill.
The US sports and entertainment industries are pushing the envelope on privacy as they mine collective behavioral data from fans and consumers. To avoid the cross-hairs of the Federal Trade Commission, in-house counsel must ensure compliance with myriad statutes and regulations, including the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), CAN-SPAM and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). In-house counsel must work effectively with their technology and marketing departments regarding the acquisition, use and protection of this data. This panel will cover strategies for addressing vulnerabilities and avoiding exposure in terms of marketing practices and data security. It will also cover what companies need to know about communicating with fans and consumers about data mining, including mistakes to avoid when drafting privacy policies.
A response from the law firm of Baker & McKenzie to the OFT consultation, focusing on guidance regarding the de minimis exception.
This program will consist of a live, interactive mock negotiation of a sports sponsorship deal. The panel will provide the audience with a term sheet and will facilitate a mock negotiation over key deal points. The audience will be invited to identify key issues, offer their solutions on how best to address those issues, and debate the merits of various approaches and solutions. The panelists will guide the audience through the "negotiation," offer their recommendations and insights based on their experience in negotiating these types of deals, and address the issues that arise post signing.
Um original da ACC: As 6 Habilidades Principais Para Ser Um Advogado Corporativo Eficaz (Parte 2)
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