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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Presented for ACC Europe. This material contains program slides regarding compliance with EU employment law. There are also charts that compare differing country rules regarding business transactions, collective dismissals, and the comparative difficulty of regulatory compliance.

Overseeing a multinational legal department can present many challenges. Join with your legal peers as they examine and explain various management models including centralized vs. decentralized, matrix and others, reporting lines, control and consistency issues, and use of external lawyers among other relevant subtopics.

Conducting commercial business involves a multitude of risks, and rendering in-house services as a legal professional involves responsibility for decisions that affect the risk profile of your company. This session will examine significant areas of direct corporate risk: regulatory, product/service performance, compliance, reputation and financial, among others, as well as mechanisms for effectively managing such risks.

Sooner or later, you are going to be asked to sort out a mess caused by one of your key customers … or maybe a key supplier … going bust. And the ramifications may spread over several borders. When urgent action is needed, who do you turn to? How can you protect your company’s interests? Or maybe secure its assets when they are in the hands of an organization facing insolvency? Gain or share some valuable knowledge with this panel who will examine some interesting scenarios.

Privilege, data protection and data retention are probably THE most important issues on the minds of corporate practitioners. In this fast paced exchange of information and ideas, we’ll share with you these hot topics and bring you up to speed to better counsel your client.

What are the hot employment issues facing companies doing business in Europe today? If you don’t know and your company conducts business there, this European employment update is for you. Take this opportunity to brush up on laws regarding unions, privacy, non-compete clauses, works councils regulation on hazardous substances, and much more.

2007 ACCE Annual Conference: When you think litigation, you think high costs and time away from more productive work. Other options to costly litigation have been available for some time, but how useful are they? This session focused on the use of mediation as an alternative to litigation.

2007 ACCE Annual Conference: Finance, legal – both have their roles, but when it comes to interfacing is each department getting what they need. How do you bridge the gap between the finance world where everything is tangible and the legal environment where things sometimes aren’t. Is there a growing need for more legal support from within the finance function? What does the CFO expect from the legal department? Is there a conflict of interest between the 2 roles? Where do you draw the line between an accounting or legal issue?

2007 ACCE Annual Conference: Although not taught in law school, risk management has become a hot topic for in-house counsel globally. Have you conducted a risk analysis for your company? Do you have a set of policies and procedures in place to respond to the results of that analysis? Regardless of whether you have conducted the research or have procedures in place, this session will provide real-world insights into establishing a system or improving an existing one including ensuring your management team is on board with what you find and solutions to correcting any challenges.

Does your company have a compliance program? Do you know what to do in the event of a dawn raid from your national competition authority or from the EU? Is your company within the radar of competition rules? Should you be concerned about your current practices? Corporate attorneys practicing within the EU need to be intimately familiar with competition laws and how they could affect a company’s business.

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