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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Liability and Insurance for In-house Lawyers (ACCA New Jersey Chapter Program). In-house corporate counsel are increasingly exposed to legal malpractice claims. As corporations bring more work in-house, the exposure to legal malpractice claims expands.

Presented at ACCA’s Annual Meeting 2000; Program - Managing Environmental and Transactional Risk Through Insurance

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A presentation that discusses how juries determine damage awards and provides bullet points for dispute management.

General information to help companies deal with mass litigation, including the political and public relations fronts (firearm industry is used as the example.

An outline describing limitation of liability in international sales and service contracts.

A discussion on risks faced by not-for-profits and how to analyze and insure the risks of your not-for-profit.

If your company is privately held, it may not be legally required to implement certain risk management procedures, but it still needs protection. Risk management now means much more than buying insurance, and private companies face special challenges to handle these modern problems. Learn about the most common risks facing privately held companies, how to avoid these risks, and how to make sure your company is covered if something does go wrong.

Lawsuits filed against corporations and their present and former directors and officers for purported misconduct have been on the rise in recent years. With claims alleging civil and criminal violations, breach of fiduciary duty, or internal business misconduct against the company or individual, how does an organization maximize insurance coverage for attorneys' fees and liabilities?

In the wake of Sarbanes-Oxley, as never before, in-house counsel are developing serious concerns about their personal and professional well being. What are the limits of your liability? What actions can you take now to ensure your personal compliance with the law, while protecting the interests of your company? Learn details about your personal exposure and actions you can take to minimize them without undue exposure to your employer.

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