The rise of technological innovation brings a surge of patents - and worse - patent trolls.
Intellectual property has always been an important issue; however, recent court cases may affect patent rights. Here are several ways of reducing the risk.
This is a sample privacy template for Mexico.
This sample form is used in a non-exclusive royalty-free license to use certain trademarks in relation to some good of which the trademarks are registered in Colombia.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high level overview of property law. The Intellectual Property (IP) in business transactions Q&A gives an overview of maintaining an IP portfolio, exploiting an IP portfolio through assignment and licensing, taking security over IPRs, IP and M&A transactions, and the impact of IP on key areas such as competition law, employees and tax in Australia.
In this 5 May 2016 presentation, in-house counsel will learn about the "minefields" of software patents.