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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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ACC Houston August Chapter Meeting CLE - The Woodlands Location
Hot Topics in Construction Contracting
August 24, 2022 | 11:30 am - 1:00 pm | Landry's Seafood House

Given the impacts of Covid-19, the supply chain crunch, world events, and changes in the law there are certainly new things to consider when entering into a construction contract and managing a construction project.  Some of these concepts like force majeure and price escalations will apply to other types of commercial arrangements too.  The following is a list of hot topics that are coming up frequently: 
1.    Force Majeure Clauses
2.    Price Escalations Clauses
3.    Contracting Methods (Does Cost Plus a fee or Cost Plus a fee up to a GMP make more sense now?)
4.    Considerations for permitting the early purchase and storage of materials (What do I need to be concerned with?)

ACC Houston August Chapter Meeting CLE - Galleria Location
Hot Topics in Construction Contracting
August 9, 2022 | 11:30 am - 1:00 pm | Maggiano's Little Italy

Given the impacts of Covid-19, the supply chain crunch, world events, and changes in the law there are certainly new things to consider when entering into a construction contract and managing a construction project.  Some of these concepts like force majeure and price escalations will apply to other types of commercial arrangements too.  The following is a list of hot topics that are coming up frequently: 
1.    Force Majeure Clauses
2.    Price Escalations Clauses
3.    Contracting Methods (Does Cost Plus a fee or Cost Plus a fee up to a GMP make more sense now?)
4.    Considerations for permitting the early purchase and storage of materials (What do I need to be concerned with?)

Morgan Lewis lawyers, Chris McAuliffe and Kelly Kuschel, will be joined by the Associate General Counsel of Drexel University, Rebecca Lacher, for a pointed discussion on real estate and environmental concerns for in-house lawyers. The topics covered include: leasing, acquisition and disposition of real estate generally, in addition to environmental considerations.

Click the Register button to RSVP.  The Zoom link to join the webinar will be provided with your completed registration, and is also available below.

Almost every company leases some form of space during its existence, which invariably leads to complaints about the time and expense incurred to negotiate the same, especially when they are often shoved in a drawer and never looked at again until there is an issue.  Our presentation will hopefully help you avoid that.  Among the items to be discussed are:

•           Negotiating letters of intent

•           Understanding what may be important in one lease may not be in another

•           Focusing on economics

•           Shortcuts to addressing key lease terms

•           Reviewing and negotiating levels of service

•           Avoiding the use of pre-printed forms

•           Don’t forget about your end of term obligations

Please join us for the ACC-WI 2022 Annual Conference & Meeting of Members!  

This 1.5 day event provides 22- hours of CLE programming for you to choose from, which includes 1.0 hour of Ethics, and is specifically designed for you as an in-house attorney.  Our registration format allows you to customize your program schedule to fit your practice needs. Conference registration includes one hotel room ( Early Bird Registration) continental breakfast during Thursday morning check-in, luncheon and Keynote Speaker on Thursday, cocktail reception Thursday evening and a hot breakfast on Friday. You may also join us for a variety of networking events at the conference. All paid registrants enjoy free attendance at our Fall 3.0 Ethics Seminar.

The health and safety of our members, sponsors, staff, and guests (“all attendees”) at our annual conference is of the utmost importance to the ACC-WI.

To help ensure a safe environment for our annual conference, ACC-WI is requiring all attendees either be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have a negative COVID-19 test 48 hours prior to the event. Your attendance at our annual conference certifies that you are in compliance with these requirements. We will be following all CDC recommendations in place at the time of the conference.

We are a profession subject to ethical obligations. As such, we expect all attendees will respect and abide by these requirements for their own safety and the safety of other attendees.

Association of Corporate Counsel

The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is being phased out on June 30, 2023, following allegations of manipulation. This has raised questions about what will replace LIBOR. The switch to another rate depends on the country where a company is located. While companies may still use LIBOR until June 2023, that extension is specific to the US dollar. This article discusses the transition.

Resource Details
Region: United States
Audience: Deputy GC, Mid-Career, New to In-House, CLO / GC, Legal Operations, Small Law Departments, Large Law Departments

ACC Houston August Chapter CLE Meeting Webinar
Construction Contracting - Post Pandemic Era
August 10, 2021 | 12 noon - 1:00 pm | Webinar

Whether your company is about to upsize, downsize, relocate, or reconfigure its space, there is a good chance there is a construction project in your company’s future. During this CLE, you will learn about the risks associated with construction contracts under Texas law, and how to manage those challenges.


This event will not be hosted as a Webinar only and will not be hosted as an in-person event.

This 1-hour program will explore various real life scenarios in which existing real estate assets were leveraged to create additional value for corporate leadership teams in response to complex and changing business needs. You will learn how real estate can stretch beyond traditional notions of buy/sell/lease through advanced legal planning and analysis.

Join us as Jeannine Bishop and Christopher McAuliffe from Morgan Lewis and the Deputy General Counsel of Wawa, Maria Kalogredis Weede, provide a summary of key real estate considerations in the context of corporate transactions. Topics of coverage will include leasing, environmental considerations, including within the context of diligence review, liability issues, purchase and sale agreements and other areas of interest.

Click the red registration button below to RSVP.

Use the link and passcode below to join in the webinar.

Passcode: 025317

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