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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Guidance on how to create an effective legal hold process. Includes issues like the underlying legal issues, self-collection risks, how to monitor compliance, advance preparation, and releasing the legal hold.

What is the current state of records management for most companies? What “best practice” trends are evident in those companies with an advanced records management maturity model? Panelists of this program will present an in-depth study of more than 3,500 participants that provides insight into how other organizations are doing when it comes to compliance.

Records management is not new. Litigation, efficiency and competitive edge drive organizations to manage and capitalize on information. With rapid technology changes and the increasing volume and complexity of information, management is difficult. But new problems call for new answers. Globalization changes the landscape — a global company is not a bigger, more spread out US company — it is a different organization altogether and requires different solutions.

Your company may be or has been sued; now you must take steps to preserve documents. No task is potentially more important in terms of reducing both headline and economic risk. You face critical questions as to if, when, and how you should implement a document preservation notice and this panel of experts tackled them, such as: When and what type of investigation must a company undertake before determining that a threat is not credible and, therefore, that litigation is not “reasonably anticipated?” When is a corporate entity “on notice?” How do the courts view the parties’ efforts?

Electronic content management is a hot issue, especially with discovery’s scope extending to all electronically stored information (ESI). How can in-house counsel be proactive in managing ESI? Numerous vendors providing valuable services related to ESI attend the ACC Annual Meeting. These services help in-house counsel manage electronic records retention, document management, litigation hold policies/procedures, compliance, reporting, etc. Before talking to vendors, attend this session for guidance on defining and addressing information management problem areas within your company.

Records management does not need to be overwhelming. This panel of ACC members discussed practical steps companies take to address the underlying causes of records management issues around privacy, compliancy, and ediscovery, the common causes of these and other records management related problems, and provided overview and discussion of the practical steps their companies took to reduce related costs and risks. Learn how to uncover where an organization may have these issues in management of their information, potential exposure and practical steps to address them.

Presented at ACCA’s Annual Meeting 2000; Program - Strategic Use of Information in M&A Contexts

908 Sarbanes-Oxley: Why Should Privately Held Companies Care?

The law now requires in-house counsel to report up concerns about company compliance or suspected or potential wrongdoing. Learn how legal departments in a variety of different companies are implementing reporting up policies. Our panel will provide a review of legal rules and best practices for establishing and maintaining reporting up policies as well as comment on how best to deal with regulators and discuss the most common situations that may give rise to reporting up obligations.

Privilege, data protection and data retention are probably THE most important issues on the minds of corporate practitioners. In this fast paced exchange of information and ideas, we’ll share with you these hot topics and bring you up to speed to better counsel your client.

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